by jeiwa42 » Wed Jul 08, 2015 3:21 am
They're SSR Tomoko and SR Ikuta Erina are from the last event, and I think they're sorta "rewarding" us by having us use them to help us with this event.
According to my 5 lives so far for a 50 cost game, they give you higher amount of Push Points, but they don't give you exactly +100% or +50%, but close enough.
Playing 1 game with no cards of special bonus, I got SS Rank and 400 PP
Playing 1 game with 4 Tomokos and 2 Erinas (+500% Bonus), I got SS Rank and 2100 PP, so if I divide 2100PP/600% (the usual 100% + the bonus 500%) and multiply by 100% to find out how much it originally would've been, the base PP they give you when you use these cards becomes 350 instead of 400. But, even so, these bonuses still help save a ton of time if we wanna wrack up 125,000 points for 31 starstones.
The same thing happened with the MVP EXP score:
Playing 1 game with no cards of special bonus, I got SS Rank and my MVP got 450 exp (the usual). BUT
Playing 2 games with varying amounts of special bonus cards, I got SS Rank and my MVP only got 404.
It seems that getting FULL COMBO doesn't affect the MVP exp nor the extra PP rewarded, it seems to be all based on 1) whether you use the special cards or not and 2) your live performance ranking
tl;dr use SSR Tomoko (+100%) and SR Erina (+50%) in your team, and play a song you can still get SS Rank in (I find MORNING COFFEE a good song so far just because it makes you press 404 buttons and usually it doesn't give you a break so when you go into FEVER, you get the most out of it)
Note: All my "calculations" and conclusions are based off of 5 games I played so far of 50 cost live, I got an A, S, SS, SS, SS and I used varying amounts of special cards, as well as full comboed and not full comboed some, and based my conclusions on those results.
If I keep using my 4x Tomoko 2x Erina combo to get 2100 PP every game, I can finish 125,000 in 50 hours worth of game play!!! (basically, playing 60 games, which is A LOT LESS than the other events...those ended up in hundreds...thank goodness I got extra Tomokos after I LBed 2 of them...thank goodness the game developers did this bonus...)
I use Erina 2x, 3 MM SSRs, then backrow 4x SSR Tomoko and My Idol, playing Morning Coffee, and usually it reaches SS before the chorus so I have so much leeway. Everyone else, try it!!
KAE-DID IT!!! I am proud to have kept her KSS photo as my avatar since Feb 2, 2014, three years ago!!!