it looks like today HaroPro Time episode, they skip part 2 of the audition SP (the preview from last week) and just go right into focusing just introducing the 5 new sub members and how they got picked (by video from Tsunku, one by one), getting ready for the H!P concert. also hyper Smileage backstage before the announcement, they do a Smileage pileup. lol. the new sub members are nervous backstage. they show the announcement by Tsunku from what we seen already, but cameras focusing on the new girls more. backstage comments by the girls. so they already knew they were chosen before the announcement. So Take-chan probably had time to cut her hair. then 4-nin Smileage last comments. backstage, Aichan and Morning Musume meet all of Smileage, Yuuka starts crying and hugs her because its Aichan's last H!P concert.
then they kill some episode time and show H!P Summer Concert footage (similar to a DVD magazine style), Makoto holds the HPT camera at the H!P concert backstage and talks with random H!P members. Momoko asks Eripon who she likes the most in H!P, Eripon says Maeda Yuuka. Momoko makes a funny frown. lol.
next week Morning Musume MV footage and Hawaii Kyuukie rehearsal footage.