321BreakinOut wrote:Nomura Minami'd nickname has ben MinaMina
I was gonna refer to her as "MinaMina" in my post, but I had a feeling some people might not have known
aerosuffly wrote:And Ayaka really does have the "ace" attitude like Riho and Sakura. I am not sure how to explain.
Maybe its her calm, cool, collected-ness, and on stage she just literally rocks it out when singing and dancing. I noticed this in the H!S clip of Kobushi Factory's Onna no Sono performance, along with her hosting H!S, that there's this sort of hidden/implied confidence in her calmness when offstage, but totally lets loose on stage. Her closeups in the Onna no Sono performance was really captivating.
*sigh* I think we're all worried about them changing their style to something that isn't as good since we like these songs, but I'll just put faith in UF or whoever manages their music that their discography be amazing. I still think they will go on having this group be versatile for songs, but different from the way Juice=Juice does "fresh" and "variety".