It works similarly to the current thumbnail, but is designed to reduce the size of images to a comfortable viewing width.
Normally when you create an image, it looks like this:
- Code: Select all
As we know, you can also easily create a thumbnail of the same image.
- Code: Select all
However for some people, thumbnails may be a bit inconvenient for browsing.
So we're offering the option of larger thumbnails.
Using the super-thumbnail tag is the same process:
- Code: Select all
Except that what is happening is the [st] tag reduces any image over 700px wide to 700px, and leaves anything less than 700px as is.
So large images are shrunk a bit but smaller images that already fit comfortably in the board's width remain the way they are.
Also, not sure why if useful but you can also custom adjust the shrink threshold. If 700px is too wide for you, you can do something like this:
- Code: Select all
We encourage the widespread use of the [ST] tag in place of the [IMG] tag.
However, since it is an experimental feature, we're not mandating it at this time. It remains completely voluntary.
Also, we are not looking for written feedback at this time.
The way we will know if the [ST] tag is useful is if people use it.
If you find it useful but don't think 700px is a good "default" width, then go ahead and use the adjusted [ST=] tag with your preferred width, and we will consider that data point in reaching a final determination.