by Bossy Zunu » Tue Jan 20, 2015 5:06 am
Regarding the comments upthread, please understand that frequently derailing threads to police utterly inconsequential language tics is among other things RUDER AND MORE ANNOYING than the actual transgressions you are policing. Not that I agree with it, but I have at least heard the "rule" that one shouldn't use the word "fucking" in mixed company. On the other hand, there is no such rule that you have to translate a whole phrase into Japanese or leave it all as English. That's just personal preference. Consequently, it's "stupid and unnecessary" to use the whole forum to as a sounding board for your very specific personal rants.
So from now on please either 1) use PM and work it out with the person 2)rant about it in the rant thread, METAplop or just create your own thread (not in the main forum) about appropriate fan language.
And as a rule of thumb for everyone, if you KNOW the post you're about to make is going to start or escalate an unwinnable fight, don't make that post.