H!P Ranking for the start of 2015. Minus the new group with a WHOLE bunch of trainees that I barely know.
Berryz KoubouSugaya Risako
Natsuyaki Miyabi
Tsugunaga Momoko
Shimizu Saki
Sudou Maasa
Tokunaga Chinami
Kumai Yurina
Notes :: This Berryz Ranking really hasn't changed much over the past few years. But I have a feeling this is how it will remain for the rest of the time they are in H!P.
C-uteSuzuki Airi
Okai Chisato
Yajima Maimi
Nakajima Saki
Hagiwara Mai
Notes:: Since the they've become a 5 member group they haven't changed spots. Though I am starting to like Maimi a whole lot more since meeting her so despite the fact she wont move much in THIS ranking. I expect her to move up in the H!P group ranking. Like for real, you just look at Maimi in media and it's meh. I was the same way. You look at Maimi in person and your glowstick's suddenly turn red and you're switching sides faster than politician at a debate. She's got that type of aura to her.
Morning Musume '15Oda Sakura
Suzuki Kanon
Ishida Ayumi
Kudo Haruka
Sayashi Riho
Iikubo Haruna
Ogata Haruna
Fukumura Mizuki
Nonaka Miki
Makino Maria
Sato Masaki
Haga Akane
Ikuta Erina
Notes: Oda and Suzuki's spots are pretty secure. Iikubo was #3 but Ishida's antics seem to have won me over. I'm getting that feeling you cool kids keep talking about. The newbies kind of just fell into place. I'm kinda over Sato's antics so I'm hoping for some changes to her character this year or she may just stay where she is. And Ikuta, while a nice girl just really isn't someone who stands out for me.
ANGERMETamura Meimi
Fukuda Kanon
Sasaki Rikako
Takeuchi Akari
Nakanishi Kana
Wada Ayaka
Katsuta Rina
Murota Mizuki
Aikawa Maho
Notes: Meimi is Love! Kanon was the only egg I ever followed so she's pretty secure from ever having Rikako topple her spot. I have a feeling is Kana keeps up her vocals that she may take Akari's spot. And surprisingly, Wada, who was once a bottom member of both the group AND my H!P rankings just keep hop, skip and jumping her way up my list. I think her love of art and me also being a former art student won me over. Oh and her stabilized singing has also helped move her up. I don't really know enough up about Murota and Aikawa to place them properly so sadly they've been put to the bottom of the list for now.
Juice=JuiceTakagi Sayuki
Miyamoto Karin
Kanazawa Tomoko
Miyazaki Yuka
Uemura Akari
Notes: I've already explained this ranking results before. But let's just say, Sayuki deserves all the love she can get.
Country Girls (Not counting Momoko)Shimamura Uta
Yamaki Risa
Inaba Manaka
Ozeki Mai
Morito Chisaki
Notes: Uta is an out of the box fan favorite. She's my new gen. Konno. You can't help but adore her. Risa will probably, eventually become my favorite. Out of all the girls I enjoyed her singing the best. The rest just kind of fell into place.
Overall Ranking of H!P Members. (Numbers are previous years rankings to see where they fell or rose since I've been keeping track so it only goes back to 2012.) ['14,'13,'12]
* Means they stayed in the same place as the previous year. (Considering I use the ranking machine to do this list. I think that's pretty cool that they haven't moved. xD)
小田さくら - Oda Sakura* - #1-#2-#15
鈴木 愛理 - Suzuki Airi* - #2-#1-#2
鈴木 香音 - Suzuki Kanon - #5-#8-#7
田村 芽実 - Tamura Meimi* - #4-#5-#6
菅谷梨沙子- Sugaya Risako - #7-#4-#1
夏焼 雅 - Natsuyaki Miyabi - #10-#7-#8
高木 紗友希 -Takagi Sayuki- #17-#21
岡井 千聖 - Okai Chisato* - #8-#9-#3
福田 花音 - Fukuda Kanon - #6-#10-#11
佐々木莉佳子 - Sasaki Rikako - NEW
宮本 佳林 - Miyamoto Karin* - #11-#11
石田亜佑美 - Ishida Ayumi- #14-#12-#13
工藤 遥 - Kudo Haruka- #12-#15-#12
鞘師 里保 - Sayashi Riho- #19-#16-#18
矢島 舞美 -Yajima Maimi- #22-#19-#20
飯窪 春菜 - Iikubo Haruna - #9-#6-#5
島村嬉唄 - Shimamura Uta - NEW
竹内 朱莉 -Takeuchi Akari*- #18-#20-#14
尾形春水 - Ogata Haruna - NEW
譜久村 聖 - Fukumura Mizuki- #16-#24-#16
金澤 朋子 -Kanazawa Tomoko - #13-#17
中西 香菜 - Nakanishi Kana - #21-#25-#19
宮崎 由加 - Miyazaki Yuka- #20-#18
和田 彩花 - Wada Ayaka- #30-#28-#30
山木梨沙 - Yamaki Risa- NEW
野中美希 - Nonaka Miki - NEW
牧野真莉愛 - Makino Maria - NEW
佐藤 優樹 - Sato Masaki- #15-#13-#10
嗣永 桃子 - Tsugunaga Momoko- #29-#14-#23
羽賀朱音 - Haga Akane - NEW
植村 あかり - Uemura Akari- #26 - #26
中島 早貴 - Nakajima Saki - #23-#23-#26
勝田 里奈 - Katsuta Rina- #25-#31-#28
清水 佐紀 - Shimizu Saki- #27-#29-#22
室田瑞希 - Murota Mizuki - NEW
稲場愛香 - Inaba Manaka - NEW
須藤 茉麻 - Sudou Maasa- #31-#31-#21
生田衣梨奈 - Ikuta Erina- #28-#27-#25
小関舞 - Ozeki Mai - NEW
萩原 舞 - Hagiwara Mai -#33-#33-#27
徳永千奈美 -Tokunaga Chinami- #24-#30-#24
熊井友理奈 - Kumai Yurina- #32-#32-#29
森戸知沙希 - Morito Chisaki - NEW
相川茉穂 - Aikawa Maho - NEW