1) Favourite Foods
My Mom's homemade cheeseburgers, Tomatoes.
2) Disliked Foods
Types of seafood (Shrimp, Squid, Octopus, etc), milk.
3) What's the time people have been the most upset with you?
The times I bullied my siblings.
4) What's the time that people have been the most proud of you?
The time I took best in show at my prefecture's calligraphy exhibition.
5) What about you do you feel like you can boast about?
The fact that I have a 7th Dan in Calligraphy
6) What have you been into lately?
Taking photos with my fellow generation mates.
7) Favourite sayings?
"I want to go to the end of it; the world of music" (Lyrics from "The Manterou Show")
**lyrics translation from Hello!Base (thus Sohee)
Favourite Hello Project Song?
"Be Alive" (Morning Musume) Because it has really nice lyrics and the melody is also very pretty.
9) Member in Hello Project that you look up to (OG included)?
Sayuki Takagi. Her singing and dancing is really good, and she's really nice.
10) In a previous life, what do you think you were?
A slow-footed horse. Since I was born in the year of the horse, and people are always staring at a restive horse. ((Akane uses a pun here on horse since "onlookers" or "rubbernecking" uses the horse kanji in it)). But since I'm slow-footed, I wonder if I would have had to have been a slow-footed horse... or at least that's what I thought of!
11) If God could grant you one thing, what would you wish for?
I want to become someone with a great sense of style.
12) If you could bring only one item to a deserted island, what would it be?
My Family.
13) How did you come to like "Asari-chan"
I read it at my grandmother's house ((http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asari-chan))
14) Please share something interesting about "Asari-chan"
Asari is a little bit dumb, but sometimes she ends up saying really profound(?) things.
((Question mark is in the Japanese))
15) About your special skill of Calligraphy, this year what was the first words you wrote?
"創造する心" "Souzou-suru Kokoro" (The creative mind/heart) "飛躍する" "Hiyaku-suru" (To Leap)