by Daisuki Daiiyo » Thu Nov 06, 2014 7:48 pm
Uta is giving me Kpop vibes lol. I'll give her a bit more time to work on her expressions though, it took Fuku-chan a bit of time to emote more with eyes too. But yeah. They're all adorable. Watching the Harosute footage just made me want to root for Yamaki Risa unconditionally, she's so gorgeous and seemed so happy to be able to debut.
Lol @ the comment a few pages back about the girls reactions essentially being "Oh not the main Musume? Ok I guess." lol that's pretty spot on for the lot of them (sans maybe Mai and Risa). I am interested to see where this group goes. It's almost like Satoda is part of the group? From their intro, she certainly introduced herself like she wanted to be an honorary member or something. Maybe she is, idek. '15 is going to be (dancing shinging) exciting.