Hmm, I have to disagree with Miki's voice sounding like Reina's. Reina sings with much fuller voice while Miki seems to sing almost entirely with nasal voice. She seems to be born with nasal speaking voice though. It is not a bad practice, but it can sound annoying without control and can be damaging to your vocal cord. It will be interesting to see how much range she has and if she will be able to blend her chest voice with nasal voice. Maachan has a problem with control (or she just doesn't want to control it), but her ranges is very wide with good blending. But Miki's rhythm and dancing is already very good. And she has very good charisma. With pro lesson and practice, she will be a solid performer.
Haruna is on the other hand doesn't know how to sing (lol). She doesn't even know how to breath properly for singing, which make sense because you breath differently when doing sport. But she has pleasing voice and seems to be able to put out a lot of air even without proper breathing technique (lol). She can be very good sounding if she determine. On the other hands, her rhythm is also very good as expect from a figure skater and her dancing is not bad.
It will be interesting to see how much they can improve next week.

And Maria is so cute omg.