Hello everyone.
I am back home after a long journey. I was able to attend the H!Party and the concert but failed miserably at any of the after activities. I have a degenerative back condition so if I stand still for 10 minutes it will feel like ice pics are being driven into my upper legs. So, I was not able to stand in line for 8 hours and even if I did I would not have been able to handle the merchandise line, so no handshake for me. To add insult to injury, after the concert I tried going to a chic Ramen place and the line was way out the door so I just turned around and went back. At the after-party club thing I noticed that there were zero places to sit down so I also turned around and went back.
As for the concert, I was sitting WAYYYYYYYYYYYY in the back which in wota terms means I was at a different concert than the real wota. The loud was loud but not painful and one really felt the crunch of the bass guitar. For me, it was a great concert by a great group but not an OMG religious experience, probably because I was so far away and could not attend the handshake. I sat next to three girls who were really into it. They stood up the entire time while I sat most of the time. This would have worked out well if the girl closest to me didn't keep drifting into my line of vision. MM.'14 in oshiri-vision! However, they gave me some glow sticks so I should no complain. Not that it made any difference at all, but the monitor in front of my seat was the only monitor that was defective. It had no ability to show yellow. Everyone around me noticed this, too. As for kook theories, my only one is that Kanon had zero clue she was going to get a MONSTER pop from the fans and spaced out on what she had to say. Riho noticed this and deliberately and excessively screwed up her English segment so that people wouldn't remember Kanon spacing out.
I stayed in town with Chibs, Amped, and Kuro. We had a great time talking H!P. Unfortunately, I probably said less than 10 words to anyone else total since half the time I was being "The Anti-Social Wota" by sitting down against a wall.
At the H!P party I did the picture thing with Sayumi, and a nice guy helped me out writing up on a chalkboard the hiragana for "Sorry I am Bald". The dance segment of the party was 99% girls since most of the guys were to intimidated to get of the dance floor with a bunch of girls had who obviously practiced these dances until they were blue in the face. I also went to the free swag table several times and then got depressed for the girls whose pictures no one wanted. I only took one photo since collecting photos is an addicting activity and I don't want to blow my budget on it.
So now I will be going grocery shopping. Hopefully the combination of an inversion table session, Ice & Heat alternation for two hours, an NSAID and stretching will return thing to semi-normality.