randompasserby wrote:-first member from Osaka and Nagano prefecture (Ogata and Haga)
-Makino and Haga are already highly appraised by the fans as demonstrated by the very loud cheers when they're announced.
-Ogata has been figure skating since she was 5, her special skill is a 2 and a half rotating double axle(wut)
-Nonaka is someone returning from abroad, due to her father's work in Illinois and Alabama.
Wuhhhhhhhh, I wonder how will Tsunku and management use that skating ability for the formations. It could be impressive if done well
Uhhhhhhhh only a few hours have passed and I'm already excited for the new members' future and the group too.
And MARIA! I'm so happy she made it. I have never been a fan of her or something but at the last weeks I just started thinking it would be nice to have her in the group and DANG! It happens, so.... YEAH! And the other two girls are still a mystery but I'm starting to see Akane as a perfect choice too
And those introduction photos, they're not very good, looks like they were done in a hurry or something, so all 4 girls look awkawrd as hell
I'm sure they're far more attractive and charming than it seems there
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, so happy about this!!!!!!! <3<<3<3
And have to say it again, MARIA
Starra wrote:But it's not normal to overreact like that and "joke" about wanting to die if she doesn't get into S/mileage. I get that you're upset, but really? Talking like that isn't cool.
It was just an expression duhh, nothing serious, just feeling the moment
Starra wrote:JUST TO CLARIFY, by the way, I'm not a Rikako anti or anything. I've warmed to her. She's pretty and is really good. I just get annoyed at whiny fans. It's not just you, stam4o, I've seen a lot of it...
If Rikako was added to MM。or S/mileage, I wouldn't complain. She's fine, and yes, I do think she should debut. However, I simply feel like Tsunku's saving her for a new unit. I can't see her fitting in in MM。, and her voice doesn't really work for S/mileage. A new unit with Rikako, maybe Ruru and a bunch of other KSS? I'd be all for that.
^^^Starra and co, can you please move that debate elsewhere? :3
Why? It's relevant, lol.
I understand that and actually I can agree with all of it. I mean, I guess at the bottom I'd also like Rikako to have her own group, but since there's nothing sure yet, I can't avoid feeling bad for her not making it to the already existing groups. Yeah, we don't know if she auditioned but we don't know either what plans they have for her and if she's been told about them, so if she wanted to enter even MM or S/m and she doesn't get in nor she's been informed previously about a future unit including her, that's gotta be hard....
So, it's unavoidable
Also, the new Karin? Ehh, I just like her a lot, nothing more
Actually, even I'm a bit surprised I could be that expressively whiny about this. I'd normally be it for other things, but that...