Haruna looks like a cross between Uemura, Riho and Tomoko to me.
Im gonna chill and come back in a few hours.
Moderator: Moh
Amped wrote:Ogata Haruna
生年月日:1999年2月15日(15歳・高校1年生) February 15, 1999 - 15 years old, 1st year High school
出身地:大阪府 Osaka
血液型:A型 A bloodtype
趣味:動画編集 hobbies - video editing
特技:フィギュアスケート Skill - Figure Skating
Nonaka Miki
生年月日:1999年10月7日(14歳・中学3年生) Oct. 7, 1999 - 14 years old, 3rd grade middle
出身地:静岡県 Shizuoka
血液型:A bloodtype
趣味:かわいいもの集め hobby - collecting cute things
特技:英会話、耳コピー skill - English conversation, ear copy
Haga Akane
生年月日:2002年3月17日(12歳・中学1年生) March 17, 2002, 12 years old, 1st year middle
出身地:長野県 Nagano
血液型:O型 O bloodtype
趣味:歌うこと。YouTubeで動画をみること。 hobby - singing, watching youtube videos
skill calligraphy
Makino Maria
生年月日:2001年2月2日(13歳・中学2年生) Feb.2nd 2001, 13 years old, 2nd grade middle
出身地:愛知県 Aichi
血液型:A型 A bloodtype
趣味:プロ野球観戦 特技:バレエ、ピアノ、習字、アヒル口、絵を描くこと Hobbies: watching professional baseball
skills: ballet, piano, calligraphy, painting, duck lips (Ahiruguchi アヒル口)
more pics
Amped wrote:Ogata Haruna competed in this skating competition in 2013.
41st place
尾形 春水
SP成績 (TES / PCS / 減点)
41.30.23 (28.15.83 / 34.14.40 / 0 ) 尾形 春水 (大阪スケート倶楽部)
http://ryowat.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/20 ... -bc4b.html
She qualified recently in this 2014 competition
http://www.oaaa.jp/~kotairen/results/20 ... el135.html
Nonaka Miki high score 174 in her English at her Shizuoka middle school in 2013. tied for 1st in her class.
Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC)
野中美希 中2静岡校 スコア 174
TOEIC BridgeR IP成績優秀者(敬称略)
http://www.amity.co.jp/shikaku/toeic_b/ ... ge.dat&s=4
Amped wrote:Tsunku nicknames
Miki - Mikiti ミキティ
Haruna - Daisaku ダイサク
Akane - Haga ハガー
Maria - Makki マッキー
during the Encore - Harunan said "I want to do Double Haruna unit!"
Kudo asked 12th gen, who will take over the Love Machine line
Maria and Nonaka answered at the same time, "me!"
randompasserby wrote:-Nonaka is someone returning from abroad, due to her father's work in Illinois and Alabama.
AyuHikaru wrote:Oh no, I'm starting to like Haruna 2.
Must see more of her.
Chatin wrote:Well, those are new girls, alright. Not really having any impression, yet.
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