didn't realize Maria was that tall already O.o
Yep, cute gen alright... visual wise, high hopes for their future and the group as a whole.
As it should be, there's gonna be a gigantic hole left behind in that department in two months after all T T, but pretty much all of them aright now has the potential to be the "face" of the group looks wise imo.
Wonder when we'll get to hear the other two's singing voice, hope they're at the very least up to snuff to the group's baseline. Even better if we get another on Sakura's level
----little tidbits from oricon
-first member from Osaka and Nagano prefecture (Ogata and Haga)
-Makino and Haga are already highly appraised by the fans as demonstrated by the very loud cheers when they're announced.
-Ogata has been figure skating since she was 5, her special skill is a 2 and a half rotating double axle(wut)
-Nonaka is someone returning from abroad, due to her father's work in Illinois and Alabama.