I srsly h8 the JPM board right now.

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Re: I srsly h8 the JPM board right now.

Postby boinsie » Sun Oct 19, 2008 12:42 pm

It's true.. beyond all of the errors that plague JPM... I think the incredibly unfriendly moderators are what has really made me upset recently. Yes, it's irritating that I can't post something longer than 100 characters (or whatever) there w/o being locked out for 10 minutes, but worse is that we're not being told things about it.
Not all of the mods are bad, mind you. But it's not like I remember it being years ago... :|
Honestly, for the sake of the other sub-forums, I kinda wish they would just delete the H!P sub-forum. We'd all have to go somewhere else, but we wouldn't be causing everyone else so many problems. :(
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Re: I srsly h8 the JPM board right now.

Postby Pavlova » Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:07 pm

boinsie wrote:
pav wrote:But, I'm far from being anti-religion. The thing is most people see either only the good stuff religions did, or only the bad.
I'm mostly able to see both, I think.
I can see how in the past religion was necessary to get people through their day-to-day lives. When you don't understand scientifically what makes thunder, lightening, earthquakes, etc, it's a great way to explain away these things. When you as a leader need your country to expand over into another area, it's really convenient to be able to say that it's for this great all-powerful being that created everything around you. To say that it's this being's will that your nation have all these things makes it seem alright, even makes you feel entitled to it, and it makes the army fight harder. I see how it's important there, too.
So, for sure I understand what a powerful tool religion is. But to me it's just that, a tool. Not reality.
And if I can get through day-to-day without needing the promise of anything after I die, and without the knowledge that these mystical things happened way back when, I guess it bothers me that so many others seemingly can't. And that people are still able to use these completely unfounded reasonings to convince other people of things, and it works... that just dumbfounds me.

see that's a conversation I had with my best friend a few months ago.

Religions have other purpose then explaining thunder and sun and night and stuff, now. They used to be for that. But as humans, we are farther than that now, aren't we? I hope we are. I think right now, and for so long, the questions that humanity has been asking is "why". "Why are we here". It's not just about what's after death, although it's big part of it, but it's about the rest, and the things science cannot explain, and god, there are some. a lot. My physics teacher in high school said science, nowadays, understands maybe 1% of the rules of the universe. Of course, this statistic was probably made up on the spot. But It does tell something though.

There is much we do not know now, and probably much that science, the way it is today, will never understand.

Maybe you can go through your life without religion to answer those questions but a lot of people can't and you have to accept that.

Using religion as a political tool, that's something else. But like I said, if they didn't use religion, they would be using something else.
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Re: I srsly h8 the JPM board right now.

Postby vegetarianbeefeater » Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:49 pm

boinsie wrote:I can see how in the past religion was necessary to get people through their day-to-day lives. When you don't understand scientifically what makes thunder, lightening, earthquakes, etc, it's a great way to explain away these things. When you as a leader need your country to expand over into another area, it's really convenient to be able to say that it's for this great all-powerful being that created everything around you. To say that it's this being's will that your nation have all these things makes it seem alright, even makes you feel entitled to it, and it makes the army fight harder. I see how it's important there, too.
So, for sure I understand what a powerful tool religion is. But to me it's just that, a tool. Not reality.
And if I can get through day-to-day without needing the promise of anything after I die, and without the knowledge that these mystical things happened way back when, I guess it bothers me that so many others seemingly can't. And that people are still able to use these completely unfounded reasonings to convince other people of things, and it works... that just dumbfounds me.

Requoted. Boins, that was brilliantly said.
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Re: I srsly h8 the JPM board right now.

Postby vegetarianbeefeater » Mon Oct 20, 2008 8:49 pm

Does anyone want to sign me up on JPM so that I cant at least talk to the admin?

Don't really care what username and password you give me.
You can use this email addy: vegetarianbeefeater@gmail.com

From there, I can use a proxy to sign in and PM the friendly moderators ;)
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Re: I srsly h8 the JPM board right now.

Postby Reina » Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:25 pm

the board is down and i feel sad :P
so I came here xD
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Re: I srsly h8 the JPM board right now.

Postby boinsie » Tue Oct 21, 2008 12:38 am

The board is down. It's probably for the best, though, because I have other important things to get done this morning, and JPM would definitely have distracted me. XD
vbe - I'll make you an account tomorrow from work, if the board's back up by then. :(
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Re: I srsly h8 the JPM board right now.

Postby MiserableBastard » Tue Oct 21, 2008 2:42 am

General Error

Could not query forum moderator information


SQL Error : 1030 Got error 12 from storage engine

SELECT aa.forum_id, u.user_id, u.username FROM phpbb_auth_access aa, phpbb_user_group ug, phpbb_groups g, phpbb_users u WHERE aa.auth_mod = 1 AND g.group_single_user = 1 AND ug.group_id = aa.group_id AND g.group_id = aa.group_id AND u.user_id = ug.user_id GROUP BY u.user_id, u.username, aa.forum_id ORDER BY aa.forum_id, u.user_id

Line : 247
File : index.php

Interesting, now this has become daily business. They should update whole damn server.

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Re: I srsly h8 the JPM board right now.

Postby vegetarianbeefeater » Tue Oct 21, 2008 2:50 am

lol, and I was thinking they'd changed the rather dull looking page they put up to block me.
They should at least upgrade to phpBB 3.0.

Thanks Boins, appreciate it.
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Re: I srsly h8 the JPM board right now.

Postby Amped » Tue Oct 21, 2008 3:03 am

down again? :devil:

well, i cant be distracted today, because i got an online midterm deadline TODAY.
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Re: I srsly h8 the JPM board right now.

Postby Chatin » Tue Oct 21, 2008 3:13 am

Every week, a new error! How exciting!

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