Who would you rather be MM's new leader?

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Who would you rather be MM's new leader?

Poll ended at Thu Nov 27, 2014 12:35 pm

Fukumura Mizuki
Iikubo Haruna
Total votes : 60

Re: Who would you rather be MM's new leader?

Postby aggisu » Wed Aug 20, 2014 2:04 am

Team fukuchan here
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Re: Who would you rather be MM's new leader?

Postby resop2 » Wed Aug 20, 2014 2:10 am

I am almost certain that they will go for the Kei/Kaori solution of having dual leaders so I cannot participate in the voting.


Or, maybe what they can do is have a revolving leader. Mizuki could be the leader of MM.'15, Haruna could be the leader of MM.'16 and Erina could be the leader of MM.'17 without having anyone graduate.
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Re: Who would you rather be MM's new leader?

Postby stam4o » Wed Aug 20, 2014 3:52 am

Both. Been saying it for a while (and I'm not the only one) but the double leadership is perfectly equilibrated and it would make the group more cohesive in terms of exposure.
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Re: Who would you rather be MM's new leader?

Postby Obsidian » Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:51 am

I wonder if the last major leadership decision will give us a clue of who will get it? Despite the other members being by far more experienced and having longer tenure in H!P it was Miyazaki and Kanazawa who were given the jobs in Ju=Ju.

My head says Mizuki I think it will raise her profile and maybe bring her out of her shell a little more, when Haruna is doing a great job with the media already. My heart say Haruna though...maybe my heart wins this time but I'd quite like to see a joint leadership too (As someone else put it Mizuki is head of internal affairs, Haruna foreign Policy).
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Re: Who would you rather be MM's new leader?

Postby iceymoon » Wed Aug 20, 2014 2:10 pm

i don't think Haruna would be made a leader before Fukuchan. they will either give it to Mizuki, or to both girls. there's no precedent for co-leadership, but there was also no precedent for co sub-leadership, so i think it's possible. but most likely it will be Mizuki leader and Haruna sub-leader.

i actually find it really interesting that Haruna was given sub-leadership at all. i wonder what the reasoning was? she showed that much promise? the non-Mizuki members were too childish to be up for the sub-leadership job? they wanted a representative from both 9ki and 10ki? they'd just been such sticklers for seniority until then, basing off of major debut + age (which is why i didn't find Yuka/Tomoko or Mikitty odd) that i didn't see it coming. not counting times where the most senior member decided not to be leader, or they were graduating soon so weren't really in a good position for leader.

i'm for Mizuki leadership. they need both of their skill sets so i'm good with co-leadership too, but if i had to choose one. tbh though, no combination of members is going to be able to fill the giant leadership shoes Sayumi will be leaving behind. :( it might be several more years before any of these (or future) girls mature enough to be able to really make the most of their leadership tenure, like even a Gaki level.
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Re: Who would you rather be MM's new leader?

Postby Pavlova » Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:25 pm

Seniority wins. Mizuki. It has to be her otherwise I'll be angry. Stick to your rules H!P.
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Re: Who would you rather be MM's new leader?

Postby sukibeam » Thu Aug 21, 2014 5:13 am

Well, there sort of IS a precedent. Iida and Yasuda were co-leaders for a while, with this exact same situation. Iida had only months of seniority and was younger, while Yasuda was her junior but much older. They then bumped her down to sublead IIRC when Iida got a handle on the whole leadership thing.

I voted Harunan since, all other things aside, I believe she has the best relationships with the most members. Not to say Fukuhime has bad working relations with anyone, but you see Haruna keeping the younger members (mainly Sato) in check and having fun with nearly all the members. If some 12 year olds are in the 12ki gen, my bets are that Haruna is going to be extending that big sister aura to them as well.

Say why you will about how "leader" is just a title, because we really only can speculate about how much pull they have and their duties, but if nothing else I think the Leader at LEAST is there as a teammate who you should be able to go to and who knows how to influence the mood/reign in the troublemakers. Haruna is a smart girl and she definitely fills those requirements.
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Re: Who would you rather be MM's new leader?

Postby Denki » Thu Aug 21, 2014 5:33 am

Can someone please tell me when in time Yasuda was leader of MM? If I base stuff from Japanese wikipedia, she was never leader. :P
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Re: Who would you rather be MM's new leader?

Postby Mixi » Thu Aug 21, 2014 6:04 am

^ She was never leader, but subleader when Kaori was the leader (after Yuuko's graduation) until her graduation in 2003. It made sense because Kaori was 1st gen, but at the same time, Nacchi was still in the group... Kei was 2nd gen but older than Nacchi. Another strange situation like the current one.
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Re: Who would you rather be MM's new leader?

Postby Shabranikuduu » Fri Aug 22, 2014 5:04 am

I hope that both Mizuki and Haruna will be leaders at the same time because I feel they both have different things to give to the position. However, I'm expecting Mizuki to be the only leader based on H!P history.
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