New Country Musume auditions (Country・Girls)

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Re: New Country Musume auditions (No Results)

Postby stam4o » Fri Aug 08, 2014 12:47 am

This is frustrating but it also makes me wonder about what do they have in mind. It's like they have some kind of plans and are deliberately raising up their level of admission because of that. Doubt they're being so risky about everything just because.
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Re: New Country Musume auditions (No Results)

Postby wotakubrandon » Fri Aug 08, 2014 1:18 am

JonCC wrote:One thing that I'm afraid of with these auditions without results is that girls are going to start avoiding them.
In the sense of: "Oh, it's a H!P audition? Don't bother, those tend to not lead to anything worthwhile."
I'm worried that genuine talent may go unnoticed.

If you discount Sakura because she was already a Trainee, this is now three auditions open to the general public in a row with no new girls being brought in as a full-fledged member.
They can't keep doing this.
This is my fear too, that girls just won't bother to audition at all anymore.

otaku_blue wrote:one more thing, if they're really that concerned about girls who are just in it for the "fame" how did they not pick up on 'miracle" member koharu? lelel
if anything she's probably why they're more concerned about such girls.
Mainly because that was only Koharu's narrative after she left and everyone was pretty much "lolbye". If she was trying to get famous there were other ways she could've and probably would've went about it.
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Re: New Country Musume auditions (No Results)

Postby kyuu » Fri Aug 08, 2014 2:47 am

personally I don't care if the girls are in for the fame. being an idol is job like any other, so I dont see why it's bad to show ambition or don't fall in love with the group.

anyway this is getting old tbh I hope this is last failed audition we will have for a while
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Re: New Country Musume auditions (No Results)

Postby aerosuffly » Fri Aug 08, 2014 3:22 am

Here you go another Kenshuusei audition.
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Re: New Country Musume auditions (No Results)

Postby JonCC » Fri Aug 08, 2014 5:40 am

Earlier this year, open applications to join a Country Musume revival unit were announced through Up-Front’s official YouTube channel by sole member Satoda Mai, afraid the group with disappear when she moved to the United States.

The group debuted in 1999 with the original concept of being a group of “country girls from Hokkaido”. The audition was open to girls ages 10 to 17 nationwide, but after two rounds, it was revealed today that there were no winners chosen to continue the group’s legacy. ... tion/5487/

I wonder what Satoda Mai has to say about this?
Does she care? Is she too busy with her life in the United States?

Tsunku hasn't blogged about this either yet right?

I get that he's sick, but he did manage to blog about Berryz Kobo's disbandment.
A botched audition seems to be in the same ballpark when it comes to importance.

If he doesn't at some point, it makes me wonder how large his involvement was going into the later rounds.
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Re: New Country Musume auditions (No Results)

Postby Daisuki Daiiyo » Fri Aug 08, 2014 6:02 am

This no result shit is getting really stupid.

kyuu wrote: I dont see why it's bad to show ambition or don't fall in love with the group.

Because then we'll end up with Koharu part 2 lol.

I mean, I'm getting tired of this no results BS as well, but I mean if they can dodge another bullet like Koha, then great. She was bad for group chemistry, though I do appreciate Koha's contributions. No results doesn't look good though on the outside though, because as previously stated, girls may stop coming out to audition. Also, we know for sure there was at least one candidate genuinely in it for the love of H!P (Cuca lol if she came out for this anyway), so maybe their judges need to step their game up and start screening people better so that less of these fame-hungry people are let in-- if that was really what they were trying to avoid. Reading the last few pages over and the translations though, I didn't really get that as the reason why they picked no one lol ALSO if this is what they wanted to avoid, why on earth fold Rikako into the KSS, she is the epitome of fame-grabby girl imo. But that is another topic for another time. :lol:
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Re: New Country Musume auditions (No Results)

Postby Amped » Fri Aug 08, 2014 6:14 am

ahaha, so glad this happened. :mikihead: people were way too excited for this. :facepalm:
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Re: New Country Musume auditions (No Results)

Postby otaku_blue » Fri Aug 08, 2014 7:17 am

I personally don't have any other problem with girls being too intimidated.
Like Maeda Atsuko said she thought she wouldn't make the cut so she auditioned for AKB.

Its just weeding the weak from my perspective.
If you love HP enough you can join, heck even Miyazaki Yuka went through the backdoor and got in.

Hold up, people are so dumb:
- "why don't they just make kenshuusei auditions?"
because there's such thing as natural talent, they are already well aware of the potential of their kenshuusei, and there are girls who train in talent schools like Riho

- "they should've just debuted"
if the company in the long run don't see this as successful, this could potentially backfire and cause them more money loss. debuting a new group is an investment.

- also there is still the possibility, that the finalists may probably be added into kenshuusei, then debut into a new group. they might've not won for various reasons, but still win a group debut. basically, dropping the whole Country Musume idea.
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Re: New Country Musume auditions (No Results)

Postby CaptainBerryzGiraffe » Fri Aug 08, 2014 9:42 am

Exactly what I was thinking. Tsunku may not want to start a new group because... It's a lot of money, and if he doesn't think it will work, he won't do it. He has an image in his head. He's da baws.
No Berryz, No Life.
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Re: New Country Musume auditions (No Results)

Postby Celedam » Fri Aug 08, 2014 10:06 am

I doubt that it is Tsunku's decision. He's just the creative director, at most. More like celebrity figurehead and part-time consultant. Naoki Yamazaki and his daughter Yukako are still the people in charge.

In fact, if any one person can really be credited with H!P's recent success, it's Yukako Yamazaki.
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