Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby aerosuffly » Tue Jun 24, 2014 2:43 pm

They might have overwhelming amount of applicants from the recent hype.
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby otaku_blue » Tue Jun 24, 2014 2:44 pm

I agree, that Tsunku being sick is a likely factor. id rather he took his time in coming to a decision rather than MM ending up with a random addition :s

but maybe some rounds have already finished and like with 11th gen some parts will be released later on TV. I guess we'll know closer to MM's autumn tour. Idk about country musume though ><
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby Amped » Tue Jun 24, 2014 3:03 pm

aerosuffly wrote:They might have overwhelming amount of applicants from the recent hype.

they finished the applications stage over a month ago. the last update. the applicants who passed were sent a letter for further instructions. Tsunku isn't in this process yet, its the staff who travel from to city to city who start the judging and eliminations in the 1st round. 2nd round, they come to Tokyo. 3rd round, camp. and final round. They haven't updated anything about the 1st round yet or locations.
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby Rika-chan » Wed Jun 25, 2014 4:00 am

I hope than Tsunku is going to take his time for this audition. He must do right choices :happy:
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby Amped » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:30 pm

2nd round finished. successful candidates will be notified.
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby otaku_blue » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:53 pm


i wonder if they're gonna have the auditions run at the same time. hmmm....

i wonder how this develops
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby Shoujo Q » Tue Jul 08, 2014 8:44 pm

Last H!P concert is September 9th. They could definitely announce the winners of both this and the Country Musume auditions. Thus giving the new 12th gen the entire run of Sayumi's graduation concert to learn the ropes like Sakura did during the Colorful Character tour, without actually being in the concert.
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby Denki » Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:42 pm

I rather have the 12ki member(s) to be announced during MM's concert tour - specifically on one of their Budokan shows.
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby stam4o » Tue Jul 08, 2014 11:21 pm

Yay, we got news, means things are going out well. :thumbs-up:
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby otaku_blue » Tue Jul 08, 2014 11:31 pm

Denki wrote:I rather have the 12ki member(s) to be announced during MM's concert tour - specifically on one of their Budokan shows.

I'm all for this, but I just hope they don't announce it as randomly as Sakura's.

Although I'm honestly conflicted about how they should present it.

I can understand why they announced Sakura as the winner first, then showed her audition later since it prevents us from emotionally investing into girls and then later getting mad at Tsunku.
When the auditions aired, since it was biased it made Sakura look better and didn't let her visual lack of appeal weaken her right as winner.

Imagine how much of a disaster previous 12th gen audition would've been if they aired the 4th round, it would've been like the failed 7th gen audition.

But I hope they at least hype up the announcement beforehand and don't announce 12th gen during an exclusive rehearsal.
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