PGSM is the common abbreviation of the live action, i'd probably just call it Crystal.
it was freaking amazing to me.
Bryan and i have watched the episode a couple more times since it aired. it's keeps what's good about the original and improves what wasn't. i just.. adore it. the animation style takes some getting used to, but in a couple months i won't remember what used to be weird to me.
i'm not a fan of the CG either, mostly because i can imagine how AWESOME it would have been as 2D. i'm a huge fan of 2D animation (it used to be what i aspired to do), so i definitely miss it.. but i'm not too bothered either. i hope they don't start over-using it, but i'm okay at the current pace. i'm also okay with the OP/ED songs.. i'm not a MomoClo fan (haven't even heard that many of their songs) and i REALLY think someone else could have done it better, but this was acceptable. as long as i don't have to watch it live.
if anything what bugs me most are Luna's eyes. i hope i get used to them.
everything else was..
just the right amount of nostalgia, with some new and surprising things. and can i just fangirl a bit and say SO MANY GREAT USAMAMO MOMENTS ALREADY AAAAHHHHHHHHH