yo man i preferred the original opening to the song so much more.
i hope they upload it to the official channel soon so i can start sharing it to friends who like c-ute.
airi is fabulous. love the pv. makes me think that even though other girl groups are so talented and manufactured, they still lack that kind of charisma that C-ute has.
yoo the pole dancing was great because it didnt focus on their body too much but what they were actually doing technique wise and the angles made it more dramatic which is what they're going for.

seems like a waste for this song not to get a tie-in with anything, yeah it would be perfect for an anime ending.
i think the fast cuts of the mv were appropriate here and weren't overboard, it made my heart race haha
the ending is so great, i love this video so much. best video everyone looks fantastic and no awkward angle shots whatsoever. best c-ute pv ever.