[07/16] °C-ute - 25th single - The Power / Kanashiki Heaven (Single Version)

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Re: [07/16] °C-ute - 25th single - The Power / Kanashiki Heaven (Single Version)

Postby boinsie » Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:08 am

I'm really not a fan of the new "lalala"s at the beginning of the song, but the video is really nice!
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Re: [07/16] °C-ute - 25th single - The Power / Kanashiki Heaven (Single Version)

Postby Jessi » Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:19 am

I agree with that! I dont like the lalalas

but its a very minor complaint
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Re: [07/16] °C-ute - 25th single - The Power / Kanashiki Heaven (Single Version)

Postby koregaboku » Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:25 am

Interesting, I actually really did the new "lalala"s.

And the MV is great. It did a really good job of not being SHOCK pt 2 with all the camera focus on Airi and Chisato. Obviously it focused on them more but I didn't feel overwhelmed by them or did I miss the other three girls. Airi's outdid Chisato though, she just has the inherent It-Factor. It was most prominent in the outdoor (?) scene when Airi started playing with her dress to give it movement and Chisato just stood there.

Overall this single is shaping up to be a lot better than I expected.
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Re: [07/16] °C-ute - 25th single - The Power / Kanashiki Heaven (Single Version)

Postby Shoujo Q » Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:51 am

Are we not going to talk about the random insert of Mai and Saki doing a pole routine? Because that was totally random and out of place with the entire music video.

Oh, Airi and Chisato did great. I have no complaints.
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Re: [07/16] °C-ute - 25th single - The Power / Kanashiki Heaven (Single Version)

Postby aerosuffly » Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:18 am

Am I the only who wish for more classical guitar? They could have replaced the messy synthesize violin sound with more of that. I don't know, but as of right now, I think it add too little to the song.
And yeah, I should have either sing 'lalala' or sing the words but not both!
Great song as it is otherwise. I am just being critical here.
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Re: [07/16] °C-ute - 25th single - The Power / Kanashiki Heaven (Single Version)

Postby Jessi » Thu Jul 03, 2014 12:21 pm

+Kyu wrote:Are we not going to talk about the random insert of Mai and Saki doing a pole routine? Because that was totally random and out of place with the entire music video.

Oh, Airi and Chisato did great. I have no complaints.

What! I loved it! I wish they had more of it. I'm hoping the non-promotion edit version has ALOT of the pole dancing.
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Re: [07/16] °C-ute - 25th single - The Power / Kanashiki Heaven (Single Version)

Postby Moh » Thu Jul 03, 2014 12:23 pm

The video made me a little dizzy at certain points, but some parts were nicely done.
Pole dance parts were out of place, but it kinda just made me want a pole dance version of the MV. :whistling:
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Re: [07/16] °C-ute - 25th single - The Power / Kanashiki Heaven (Single Version)

Postby otaku_blue » Thu Jul 03, 2014 2:12 pm

yo man i preferred the original opening to the song so much more.

i hope they upload it to the official channel soon so i can start sharing it to friends who like c-ute.

airi is fabulous. love the pv. makes me think that even though other girl groups are so talented and manufactured, they still lack that kind of charisma that C-ute has.

yoo the pole dancing was great because it didnt focus on their body too much but what they were actually doing technique wise and the angles made it more dramatic which is what they're going for. :thumbs-up:

seems like a waste for this song not to get a tie-in with anything, yeah it would be perfect for an anime ending.

i think the fast cuts of the mv were appropriate here and weren't overboard, it made my heart race haha

the ending is so great, i love this video so much. best video everyone looks fantastic and no awkward angle shots whatsoever. best c-ute pv ever. :crying:
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Re: [07/16] °C-ute - 25th single - The Power / Kanashiki Heaven (Single Version)

Postby Shoujo Q » Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:25 pm

Don't get me wrong. I didn't mind the poles. It was just that it was in there for so little time, came out of nowhere and then it disappeared, never to be seen again. It's obvious they added it in, just because it would be something cool to use in it. Can't let those skills go to waste. Most of the time, a music video would build up to that. It also seemed out of place because I think Maimi should have also been apart of the scene. It was awkward with only 2 of the 3 "backup dancers" (that's what they were), were doing something. As a casual or maybe semi-new fan, I would wonder, where did the other one go?
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Re: [07/16] °C-ute - 25th single - The Power / Kanashiki Heaven (Single Version)

Postby otaku_blue » Mon Jul 07, 2014 3:19 pm

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