i've watched the anime version of some of these, but i much prefer manga so here are my favorite manga series instead! :3
1. Candy Candy*
2. Sailor Moon*+ (would be #1 if i was going on anime, but the battle/powers/enemies part of SM is better in anime form)
3. NANA*+
4. Kodomo no Omocha* (Kodocha)
5. MARS+
* = has anime adaptation
+ = has live action adaptation
clearly i'm a shoujo kind of girl.

also, my top 2 are from childhood and the rest from my teenage years.. i don't watch very much these days, but i did really enjoy Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Attack on Titan. what all my favorite series have in common is intense drama. can't get enough of it in any form.
speaking of intense drama, Celedam (continuing a conversation from like a year ago lol) i've decided i'm definitely going to read the Song of Ice and Fire books. i've gotten to the giddiness point where i can't get enough and the books are bound to be full of new details and surprises. but i've been on the receiving end of book > screen adaptation disappointment (minor disappointments, like missing moments/scenes/characters) so often that i'd like to experience it backwards this time. especially since i have people i'm watching with, it's nice to be on the same level.
i'll use the books to quell my need during the break between seasons, being careful not to get ahead. i should probably just do 1 book per break, but knowing me i'll probably read the first 3 in a row and then have to spread the rest out over time.