Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby Starra » Wed Mar 19, 2014 12:16 pm

And now part of me wants Rikako to join MM。just because the butthurt from her haters would be amazing :mikihead: .
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby Chibs » Wed Mar 19, 2014 12:48 pm

I dont know why everyone is fighting about Rikako. I think she would be a good addition to Momusu, but it isn't the end of the world if they have other plans for her.
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby Jessi » Wed Mar 19, 2014 2:09 pm

Amped wrote:they hired her because they felt sorry her for losing everything in Sendai.

Thats like saying Tsunku chose Ayumi for 10th gen because she was from Miyagi.
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby jeiwa42 » Wed Mar 19, 2014 2:15 pm

As long as 12th gen is at least as helpful as Sakura is to the group, i'm fine with whoever/how many.

Though, of course, i'm rooting for KSS just because I want some of them to debut already hehe New Group, MM, Country Musume, as long as they debut in a successful project, i'm good.

Rikako, I think her dance energy and overall star quality makes her a good addition, though she might just be shoved with Kudo as the husky duo XD Which, may or may not push them up in the group a bit lol

Hamachan might just be a Karin case and put as center in a new group. Not really seeing her cutesy voice work in MM unless she's suppose to replace Sayu as the cute popular person who gets robo lines.

Kaedi =) My fave, i'm kinda unsure whether she's MM or new group material, but I think she'd be fine in MM and I recall that she wants to be in MM so i'm rooting for her.

Tanabe, hm...she's the most experienced, though not really sure if that counts for much, and her voice is progressing, and she seems like she'd be an okay addition.

For the person who said they wanted a big group by adding 5 people, I think that's nice for more possible dance formation ideas, but as the other person replied, too many new faces deter people sometimes...then again if they're KSS they're TECHNICALLY not THAT new.

So, yeah...this turned out rather long...I ramble on sometimes and never post them cause I usually say the wrong things, but ehh, i'll say whats on my mind for this one cause it's my first MM audition =) Bear with me please, or just ignore everything if needed...
KAE-DID IT!!! I am proud to have kept her KSS photo as my avatar since Feb 2, 2014, three years ago!!!
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby TotallyUncool » Wed Mar 19, 2014 2:21 pm

That's a good post -- you're actually getting this thread back on track (and audition threads have a strong tendency to jump the tracks, as we've been seeing XD ).
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby Sohee » Wed Mar 19, 2014 2:22 pm

It'd be nice to get someone who's inexperienced as long as they have the potential.
Get to follow a nobody nail the dances and all. <3 Been a while.
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby PikoAshy » Wed Mar 19, 2014 2:34 pm

I would love my favorites: Fuyuka, Hikarun, Maria, Icchan, Danburu, but there really isn't any hope for that ^^;;;
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby Moh » Wed Mar 19, 2014 2:40 pm

This will be the last post about this, just so I can offer my two cents:
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Amped wrote:they hired her because they felt sorry her for losing everything in Sendai.

This is such a shitty thing to say. If you don't want her in the group, fine, whatever. But saying "OH THEY JUST FELT SORRY FOR HER" is damn low.
All it does is make you look like an asshole. And nobody likes assholes! So don't act like one!
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby randompasserby » Wed Mar 19, 2014 2:52 pm

Anyway when do you guys figure is the realistic time frame for the winners to join? Fall? Winter?
Not expecting their debut single until spring next year to be honest.

Oh and more Help me! less Pyoko Pyoko Ultra kthx bye XD
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Re: Morning Musume. '14 12th gen - Golden audition

Postby Sohee » Wed Mar 19, 2014 2:55 pm

Sohee wrote:- The girl/s who pass will participate in events that Morning Musume. '14 have in fall, and will take lessons. They will fully start working as a part of the group in 2015.
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