by Zunu » Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:41 am
Oh are they back to new eps? I liked that episode on the train, because I've realized I have a kind of weird attraction to movies that take place on trains even if they're otherwise unremarkable. I'm talking about you Transsiberian.
As far as Whedon goes, I wish his name had never been attached to it in the first place. His snappy dialog only works when the show as a whole doesn't take itself all that seriously. That's why dollhouse fell flat, even though it was still imo somewhat underrated. Shield has moments of levity but it's missing the element of ridiculous, whether it be self-deprecating vampires, men in tights, or space/wild west mashups, that puts you in the frame of mind to accept patently ludicrous dialog. Tarantino is much the same; his movies have some absurd backdrop under which the seeds of comic dialog can flourish. Otherwise, the crazy talk just sounds forced and drops you out of immersion.
tending to put ~ on song titles since 2002