i like limited A, the colors will look a bit better once we see a version that doesn't have the magenta turned up to all hell (i hate when they do that). i mean technically it's not a good cover, but it's like they're making way for Yurina and Maasa! i know Risako/Miya/Momo are out front, but since they're facing away, when you pan across the image it's like they're the main focus. if only they were striking poses...
my favorite one is Limited B for some reason lol. the girls look good and it's an interesting look? even though the photoshop (as per usual) is not good once you look at specific points, i like the overall effect. EDIT: just noticed something funny about this photo. i'll wait to see if anyone else notices, i don't want to mention it yet because it's a "can't un-see" type thing rofl.