Moderator: Moh
Morning Musume。'14 @ Send-off party for the 22nd Winter Olympic Games at Sochi
January 21, 2014 at 7:29am
On January 20th, a special event has been held at the Shin Prince Hotel New Takanawa with many thousands of people to say good luck to the Japanese athletes who will participate in the 22nd Winter Olympic Games at Sochi in Russia.
One of those ceremonies was a send-off party, with all the athletes on stage. First of all, many representatives as well as the Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe came on stage to support and say good luck to all those athletes.
Around 2000 people were in the audience acclaiming every speach and people coming on stage.
Dozens of medias were also there to cover the event.
Then it was time for the results of Nippon! Call Project ( ... 7687186819).
125 859 messages have been sent through the official smartphone application for the Japanese athletes.
And as the ambassador for the Nippon! Call Project, Morning Musume。'14 arrived on stage and sang "LOVE Machine (updated)". Some staff gave to the audience penlights so of course the public use them and sang with them this famous song.
At the end of the performance, some athletes came to the stage and Morning Musume。'14 gave them special support presents.
Just after, a video comment of Tsunku♂ has been broadcasted on the big screen. The public acclaimed him as soon as he has appeared and Tsunku♂ explained his thoughts about creating the song "Kimi no Kawari wa Iyashinai" to support the Japanese athletes for the Winter Olympic Games at Sochi. For him, nobody can be replaced whatever the situation. So everyone has to support those athletes!
Then it was time for the second song. Sayumi Michishige told the public how to dance, support them and scream "NIPPON!" during this special song "Kimi no Kawari wa Iyashinai" for this event.
The audience was really enthusiastic during their whole performance. It was a real success despite the fact there were few fans of the group, mainly guests and people closed to the athletes.
Then the athletes came back on stage, sent some balls they signed in the public and left.
Morning Musume。'14 members left the stage as well with the applause of the audience.
So for Sochi Winter Olympic Games, like Morning Musume。'14 members said, GANBARE NIPPON! (= Do your best Japan!)
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