H!P/etc Ranking Thread

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Re: H!P/etc Ranking Thread

Postby Panic Nancy » Sun Dec 29, 2013 7:04 am

Amped wrote:TBS Rank Oukoku 12-28-13

Idols to watch live Top 10 ranking

2.Morning Musume.

7.Up Up Girls


That's kind of a strange list. I don't see why Momoclo aren't on it when Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku and Team Syachihoko are.
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Re: H!P/etc Ranking Thread

Postby Sohee » Sun Dec 29, 2013 7:10 am

The rank is
"If you don't watch/check out these idols' lives now, you'll miss out!"
so AKB and Momoclo don't belong as they're already all over the place.
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Re: H!P/etc Ranking Thread

Postby Amped » Mon Dec 30, 2013 5:25 pm

Barks.jp year end news rankings 2013

Top 10 live concert reports from Barks

#1 live report from Berryz' Budokan concert

#14 - live report from Morning Musume's Budokan concert


Top 10 artists interview

Mano's interview on Barks was ranked the #4 talked about interview

Music Festa was #30


Kawaii girl Japan news reports rankings

C-ute's treasure box tour #12

report on Reina's graduation #21

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Re: H!P/etc Ranking Thread

Postby sb » Tue Dec 31, 2013 7:31 am

End of year H!P member ranking.

1. Sayumi - Of course. The girl just steps her game up again and again. She has looks, charm, and that want and drive to be an idol. She continues to be an amazing leader.
2. Maimi - She's so pretty. Oh so pretty. Sure, I could go on about how her voice isn't any good, her inconsistent camera work, and how air headed she is but all her criticisms don't effect just how much I like her at all.
3. Miyabi - Her extreme femininity brings about a certain appeal and attractiveness no one else has. She doesn't have to look attractive to be attractive. Watching her move is a treat. Has a solid voice too.
4. Captain - As small and thin as she is hot damn she knows how to move what she has. She's another one who is just a joy to watch.
5. Airi - The girl has charisma to spare and is just amazing to see work the camera. Her emotional eyes are magnificent and she is probably my favorite H!P singer.
6. Risako - Sure her hair is a damn mess from time to time. And yea, she has them moments when she looks like she doesn't care, but hot goes a long way. And hot she is.
7. Riho - She is an ace. Continues to improve and wants to become even better. If she doesn't top this list at some point then something went horribly wrong. Girl is gonna be a looker in a few years too.
8. Chisato - Girl ended the year strong. She looked so damn good and/or cute in her non Crazy Kanzen PVs. Plus I've always just had a fondness for her and I'm glad she's stepped up.
9. Yurina - Kinda here by default. She's pretty and isn't gonna piss me off.
10. MaiMai - The girl who makes the term "bitchface" complimentary.
11. Masaki - I love the effort she gives. She's really cute and weird.
12. Mizuki - She's becoming exactly what I thought she would. Decent vocals, good performer and eye candy.
13. Haruka - I can't keep this girl too low for too long. She has such a pretty little face and I like her attitude too.
14. Eripon - She's just kinda been there lately but I like her unique look. One of them girls I like just cause I do.
15. Nakky - Kinda falls by the wayside amongst the other cuties but she has some strong moments when it comes to her looks.
16. Daishi - I really like her dancing ability and her eccentricities. She's another key to Momusu's future.
17. Rose Quartz - Her sultry voice is excellent. It adds so much to J=J. Can't wait to see more of her. Cute too.
18. Haruna - She's moved up recently. She's a pretty girl and if she can develop her expressions more it'll further her looks.
19. Momoko - Rising partially since others are falling. She'll never be a fave but I respect her 110% effort.
20. Chinami - I've been disappointed in her a bit lately, since her effort isn't always there. But, she's still my buddy, and she's solid when she cares.
21. Akari - She does NOT look her age. She's well on her way to becoming really pretty background scenery.
22. Karin - I really like this girl's potential. She brings energy and to me will be the difference maker in J=J.
23. Sakura - I like her voice but she hasn't stood out to me otherwise. I'm really interested to see how far she can go.
24. Maasa - It's terrible having her so low, but she just honestly hasn't added anything at all to the mix lately.
25. Zukki - I like the fact she's been showing more energy and effort recently. 
26. Dawa - A decent enough looking girl. Not really much else to say.
27. Sayuki - Not cute but a decent voice and gives effort.
28. Kanon - She's gotten more attention from me lately but otherwise I don't really think of her too much.
29. Yuuka - I really wanna see more emotion from her, cause she's kinda just there. But she has potential I think.
30. Meimi - She's shown with her eyebrows covered and mouth closed she can be cute.
31. Maimi's cousin - I expected more from her. I thought she'd be cuter than what she is.
32. Kana - Not really anything to say about her. She's just a person.
33. Aika - Out of sight, out of mind.
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Re: H!P/etc Ranking Thread

Postby 321BreakinOut » Tue Dec 31, 2013 9:00 am

I don't usually do rankings but it is the end of the year. So singles by Artist 2013

Morning Musume
1.Help Me!! -Was this even a though?
2.Kimi Sae Ireba Nani mo Iranai - The way I feel about this song omgggggg
3.Wagamama Ki no Mama Ai no Joke
5.Ai no Gundan - Don't dislike this song in the least, just like the others more

Berryz Koubou
1.Motto Zutto Issho ni Itakatta - Surprisingly not what I expected from them this year, but it's a stellar song
2.Sayonara Usotsuki no Watashi - Love this song
3.Asian Celebration/Golden Chinatown - Love both these songs equally !
4.Rock EROTIC - Something had to go last?

1.Tokai no Hitorigurashi - Definitely my kind of song
2.Kono Machi - Flawless song
3.Kanashiki Amefuri
4.Ai tte Motto Zanshin
5.Crazy Kanzen na Otona
6.Adam to Eve no Dilemma - Good song but never grew on me like that

1.Tabidachi no Haru ga Kita -Flawless song
3.Ii Yatsu
4.Ee ka!?
5.Atarashii Watashi ni Nare! - Loooove this song , just love the others more

1.Romance no Tochuu
2.Ijiwaru Shinaide Dakishimete yo
3.Watashi ga Iu Mae ni Dakishimenakya ne (MEMORIAL EDIT)
4.Hajimete wo Keikenchuu/ Ten Made Nobore ! Both of these songs are extremely cute
5.Samidare Bijo ga Samidareru (MEMORIAL EDIT) - Love this song a LOT more than the original

1.Kanojo ni Naritai!!! - Hello! Pro Kenshuusei
2.Forest Time - Harvest
3.Cabbage Hakusho - Peaberry
4.Rock no Teigi - Tanaka Reina
5.Eiya-sa! Brother - Mellowquad


Top 5 Songs of the Year

5.Motto Zutto Issho ni Itakatta

4.Kanojo ni Naritai!!! - Definitely a cool song out of the blue

3.Tokai no Hitorigurashi

2.Help me!! - This song reinvented the Musume fandom; love it.

1.Romance no Tochuu - R&B music is my favorite and this definitely has that and a jazzy feel to it. Didn't really expect this from them but it came out really good and I'm still not tired of it yet
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Re: H!P/etc Ranking Thread

Postby Mixi » Tue Dec 31, 2013 9:46 am

Yearly single ranking. Favourites are in bold.

Morning Musume:
2. Ai no Gundan
3. Help me!!!
4. Wagamama Ki no Mama Ai no Joke
5. Kimi Sae Ireba Nani mo Iranai

Berryz Kobo:
2. Rock EROTIC
4. Motto Zutto Issho ni Itakatta
5. Sayonara Usotsuki no Watashi

1. Crazy Kanzen na Otona
2. Kanashiki Amefuri
3. Tokai no Hitorigurashi
4. Adam to Eve no Dilemma
5. Ai tte Motto Zanshin
6. Kono Machi

1. Ee ka!?
2. Tabidachi no Haru ga Kita
3. Yattaruchan
4. Atarashii Watashi ni Nare!
5. "Ii yatsu"

1. Romance no Tochuu
2. Ijiwaru Shinai de Dakishimete yo
3. Watashi ga iu Mae ni Dakishimenakya ne
4. Hajimete wo Keikenchuu
5. Ten Made Nobore!
6. Samidare Bijo ga Samidareru

1. Kaigan Seisou Danshi
2. Hotaru Matsuri no Hi
3. Lady Mermaid
4. Eiya-sa! Brother
5. Cabbage Hakusho
6. Tokainaka no Kare

I don't dislike any of these songs. I have to say 2013 might have been the best year H!P has had since I became a fan. Celebrating 10 years of fandom in 2014!
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Re: H!P/etc Ranking Thread

Postby Amped » Tue Dec 31, 2013 10:31 am

Tower Records' Best Idol performance 2013 chosen by you
https://twitter.com/TOWER_Idol/status/4 ... 3673499650

1.Watanabe Mayu - Rappa Renshuuchuu solo live (16 votes)
2.Shiritsu Ebisu Chuugaku - 12/8 Saitama Super Arena (12 votes)
3.C-ute - 9/10 Nippon Budokan (11 votes)
4.BABYMETAL - 12/21 SU-METAL seitansai (9 votes)

5.Berryz Kobo - 11/29 Nippon Budokan (8 votes)
5.Negicco - 10/5 Niigata Terusa (8 votes)

7.Team Syachihoko - 12/21 Ai no Chikyuu Matsuri 2013 (6 votes)
8.Dorothy Little Happy - 7/28 Tokyo Idol Festival (5 votes)

9.TOKYO GIRLS 'STYLE - 12/22 Nippon Budokan (4 votes)
9.Tekupuri - 7/28 Tokyo Idol Festival last live (4 votes)
9.Negicco - 11/10 Tower Records Shinjuku release event (4 votes)
9.Morning Musume. - 5/21 Tanaka Reina graduation SP in Nippon Budokan (4 votes)

https://twitter.com/TOWER_Idol/status/4 ... 7512522754
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Re: H!P/etc Ranking Thread

Postby Starra » Tue Dec 31, 2013 11:39 am

H!P ranking (including Kenshuusei):
1. Sudou Maasa - Eternal oshi. She's not moving from this spot unless she graduates.
2. Hagiwara Mai - Basically tied with Maasa. Likewise, she's not moving.
3. Kanazawa Tomoko - Perfect in every way. I'm so glad she's a person.
4. Ishida Ayumi - I love her more than words. She's far too pretty.
6. Miyazaki Yuka - I'm not sure why I love her as much as I do, but she's adorable.
7. Tamura Meimi - She looks like a gremlin but that's okay because HER VOICE.
8. Kaga Kaede - Please debut. Kaede 2014.
9. Uemura Akari - Gorgeous. I love her.
10. Sayashi Riho - Riho keeps dropping in my ranks but I don't love her any less. Haters gonna hate.
11. Hamaura Ayano - My precious squeaky baby ;A;. I want her to debut.
12. Oda Sakura - She's so. Wonderful. I'm sorry I ever disliked you.
13. Iikubo Haruna - I'm not... entirely sure why she's here. But she is. Because she's great.
14. Nakanishi Kana - That haircut has done her wonders. Also, I love her voice. A lot.
16. Mitsui Aika - I'll always love Aika, and there's nothing y'all can do about it.
17. Tanabe Nanami - She's grown up so much <3. Baby <3.
18. Suzuki Kanon - She's adorable and lovely. And she looks super happy lately <3.
19. Kudou Haruka - Dammit, Haruka! Stop being so great!
20. Takagi Sayuki - I feel bad because Sayuki's the only J=J member not in my top 10. Oops. That's okay though I still love her a lot.
21. Kosuga Fuyuka - I really want her to do something. I love her.
22. Mikame Kana - I will never understand why I love her. But I do, and she's up here.
23. Nomura Minami - I love idols with squeaky voices. Sorry not sorry.
24. Fukuda Kanon - I keep going back and forth on Kanon. I like her a lot but she doesn't really stand out to me much.
25. Takeuchi Akari - She's cute and I like her voice but she's kind of bland.
26. Fukumura Mizuki - Nothing special but nothing bad. I like her a lot.
27. Katsuta Rina - She's so plain but that makes her appealing.
28. Sugaya Risako - I still love Risako. Just... I dunno. I can't explain.
29. Ichioka Reina - What a cutie <3.
30. Murota Mizuki - I love her.
31. Danbara Ruru - She's kind of annoying but I love her anyway.
32. Michishige Sayumi - I have a lot of respect for Sayu, but she's not a favourite of mine.
33. Inaba Manaka - Mini-Riho <3. Just as adorable.
34. Tsugunaga Momoko - I don't hate her. Yurushite nyan.
35. Fujii Rio - She's cute. I like her.
36. Yamagishi Riko - She's been looking... less cute lately. I still like her, just not as much as I used to.
37. Haga Akane - Cute in a plain way. I liker her.
38. Satou Masaki - I like Masaki. I think? I certainly don't dislike her. But. I feel like she should be down here.
39. Ikuta Erina - See Masaki.
40. Yoshihashi Kurumi - She looks like a cute chipmunk ;A;.
41. Yajima Maimi - She's pretty and has a good voice but Idk I've never been able to like her a lot.
42. Makino Maria - Eh. She's cute but boring.
43. Suzuki Airi - I am neutral about Airi.
44. Wada Sakurako - Meh? I don't know how I feel about her.
45. Nakajima Saki - Nacky's on that borderline like/dislike tier. I'm not sure.
46. Wada Ayaka - I don't dislike her, I just don't care.
47. Sasaki Rikako - She's grown on me. I still don't like her husky voice though.
48. Taguchi Natsumi - She's kinda frumpy but cute. But bland. I dunno.
49. Niinuma Kisora - I'm really not sure.
50. Kumai Yurina - She's there, I guess.
51. Natsuyaki Miyabi - I've never been that keen on Miyabi. Oops.
52. Shimizu Saki - See Miyabi.
53. Ogawa Rena - I don't think I'm ever going to like her much. Sorry.
54. Yokokawa Yumei - She's pretty but she's not really my type.
55. Inoue Hikaru - Girl, you're cute, but you need to work on your facial expressions.
56. Tokunaga Chinami - Nah.
57. Ooura Hirona - Her personality bothers me.
58. Tanaka Karen - She's a thing. Not a bad thing. But not a good thing either.
59. Kishimoto Yumeno - Those teeth...
60. Okai Chisato - Chisato will always be down here. I can't like her no matter how hard I try.
61. Yamaki Risa - Dat nose, though.
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Re: H!P/etc Ranking Thread

Postby Rm88 » Tue Dec 31, 2013 1:52 pm


Morning Musume:
1- Help me!!
2- Ai no Gundan
3- Brainstorming

4- Kimi Sae Ireba Nani mo Iranai
5- Wagamama Ki no Mama Ai no Joke

Berryz Koubou:
1- Golden Chinatown
2- Asian Celebration

3- Rock Erotic
4- Motto Zutto Issho ni Itakatta
5- Sayonara Usotsuki no Watashi

1- Crazy Kanzen na Otona
2- Kanashiki Amefuri

3- Kono Machi
4- Tokai no Hitorigurashi
5- Adam to Eve no Dilemma
6- Ai tte Motto Zanshin

1- Yattaruchan
2- Tabidachi no Haru ga Kita
3- Ee ka!?

4- Ii Yatsu
5- Atarashii Watashi ni Nare!

1- Watashi ga iu Mae ni Dakishimenakya ne
2- Ten Made Nobore!
3- Samidare Bijo ga Samidareru
4- Ijiwaru Shinai de Dakishimete yo

5- Romance no Tochuu
6- Hajimete wo Keikenchuu
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Re: H!P/etc Ranking Thread

Postby Moh » Tue Dec 31, 2013 2:03 pm

Moh wrote:Blue = love, pink = really like, green = okay, red = dislike.

Help me!!
Kimi Sae Ireba Nani mo Iranai
Wagamama Ki no Mama Ai no Joke
Ai no Gundan

Asian Celebration
Golden Chinatown
Sayonara Usotsuki no Watashi
Motto Zutto Issho ni Itakatta
ROCK Erotic

Kono Machi
Crazy Kanzen na Otona
Kanashiki Amefuri
Adam to Eve no Dilemma
Tokai no Hitorigurashi
Ai tte Motto Zanshin

Watashi ga Iu Mae ni Dakishimenakya ne
Samidare Bijo ga Samidareru
Ten Made Nobore!
Romance no Tochuu
Watashi ga Iu Mae ni Dakishimenakya ne (MEMORIAL EDIT)
Samidare Bijo ga Samidareru (MEMORIAL EDIT)
Ijiwaru Shinaide Dakishimete yo
Hajimete wo Keikenchuu

Tabidachi no Haru ga Kita
Atarashii Watashi ni Nare!
Ee ka!?
"Ii Yatsu"

Amazing, nothing made it into "dislike" territory. :lol:
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