Zunu wrote:To be honest it looks like you're just showing a photo of two random H!P girls posing together and expecting us to be like, oh, I guess they're both Japanese-looking, close enough.
Thats a rash conclusion to come to! Sometimes I don't see the resemblances either. In this case its very subtle, but I think everyone here has see enough J-pop stars that they are used to the differences in each others faces. After listening to J-pop, watching Dramas and living in Japan I think Japanese people look incredibly different from one another, but people in the US still think Asians all look the same.
I can see what you mean Zunu I just don't think people here would do that. Maybe I'm just being naive.
But its an interesting phenomenon. If you think about it almost all racial groups look "all the same" and we can see the differences only because we spend alot of time surrounded by the group of people we have. When I lived in upstate NY I swore that all the girls looked the same. Skin tone, hair color, similar clothing, similar way the wore their hair. The majority of them were white...
Maybe Zam (who is from southeast asia) meant he was that they had a similar expression (at that time), which I can kinda see in that specific image. In reality, both don't look alike at all. But this has nothing to do with racism, which your kinda making it that was. :s
Jessi wrote: I can see what you mean Zunu I just don't think people here would do that. Maybe I'm just being naive.
No it was inartfully stated on my part. What I was really trying to express is that unless the comparison is so obvious and glaring that everybody should immediately see it, just posting a picture of two faces with no explanation of any kind is imo not sufficient. Was he saying they generally look alike, they look alike in that specific photo, that a specific part of their face (hair? baggy eyes?) looked alike? Give us a hint as to the the thought process behind making the post. Otherwise this thread devolves into just another thread of photos of cute J-idols.
I didn't think I needed to explain it since I saw posts before mine didn't explain anything in detail either. I'll remember that next time. In any case, what Denki said was correct. In that particular picture Tanapyon looked similar to me to Yuka that at first I even got them mixed-up. Usually, as everyone will agree, Yuka looks more like Captain.
You don't "need" to; I'm really just expressing my personal feelings on the matter, not any kind of rule. And since it's proving impossible for me to clearly articulate why the posts before yours don't niggle me in the same way, I'll just sincerely apologize to you and everyone else for droning on about this and making it seem like it's a bigger deal than it actually is.
I don't have a photo, because I could get fired for taking one and posting it on the internet LOL, but one of my fifth graders looks almost EXACTLY like Risa, like the first time I walked into class I had to do a double take and then realize that Risa is way too old to be in fifth grade XD
But then it got even weirder, because yesterday, I noticed her name tag said 'Risa'. .... It's really bizarre. Wish I had a photo, man @_@