Well it should be an interesting week then, hopefully the 'rivalry' thing with help drive the sales up a little more and if the pre-orders are going as well as it seems maybe they'll even get reasonably close to Momoclo...that would be a tough task though.
^^ 08:31 Tokai no Hitorigurashi 17:58 Aitte motto zanshin Tokai is so great. :___ I really enjoy it even with this quality. I didn't fall super in love with Aitte's concert version, but I really love it here, specially because it's so their style. Aish they're so great, vocals are always so stunning. ♥ Can't wait to see their PV's!
Regular b is kinda meh. But they have been great, and good for them.
((my only complaint is that this type of greatness isn't consistent with other groups because it feels like UFA are trying to make it look like they can only promote one group correctly at a time...like how last year MM was favoured with nicer covers and stuff.))