Morning Musume。'14, Berryz Kobo, ℃-ute, S/mileage, Juice=Juice, Hello!Project, TNX, and more
Sun Oct 26, 2008 6:42 am
Do they still have to go more times? It's hilarious.
Btw, what are the missing syllables from? Random words, extracts from some text, lyrics?
Sun Oct 26, 2008 2:47 pm
^ It just has to be a real Japanese word.
2004114 - Itsuki Hiroshi released
a maxi single of Edo no Temari Uta on 10/22. I don't know why it hasn't popped up anywhere yet... there's a sample of the track at CDJapan's Japanese sister site. It's really quite awesome.
Oh, it's on iTunes. I'll burn/rip it for your pleasure tomorrow.
Sun Oct 26, 2008 8:35 pm
I see.
I love the whole Mario Kart layout of the game.
Mon Oct 27, 2008 9:01 pm
" least 40 other mistresses?!"
Gaki-san does not approve
Mon Oct 27, 2008 9:20 pm
Conan wrote:Btw, what are the missing syllables from? Random words, extracts from some text, lyrics?

No. They just have to add a syllable between the two to make a word.
Tue Oct 28, 2008 12:30 am
Tue Oct 28, 2008 2:25 am
Yoroshiku Sensei week #4 10.27.08 : Kamei Eri-sensei and tuna

Last edited by
Amped on Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
Tue Oct 28, 2008 4:31 am
KonUsaPi #107 2008-10-21 By Sukoshi
-Something embarrassing happened to Sayu recently.
-Sayu went out for dinner with her mom and her sister
-During the dinner, Sayu took out a single tissue from her packet of tissue to blow her nose
-After they exited the restaurant and were walking a guy behind them was saying "wait, wait~" to the clerk because he thought they forgot something
-the forgotten item being the used tissue (in which he carried with him to return to Sayu)
-Sayu didn't know exactly what to do since she didn't exactly want it back...but ended up giving a very confused "thank you very much"
-she was so embarrassed while taking back the garbage c20.gif
-For Pepper Keibu promotion, Morning Musume were guests on Music Japan with Daigo
-In the past, Sayu was on a show called "Revelations of M" With Nakazawa Yuko.
-at Music Japan, Daigo san told Sayu that he remembered her from being a former guest on Revelations of M
-he doesn't remember all the details but he remembered her and the show so Sayu was touched
[After a concert, on the way back to the hotel do you have time to do things? or do you not leave the hotel?]
-Usually after you return to the hotel, leaving is a little troublesome so normally they don't
-on the way back to the hotel they can make stops to the convenience store to buy things they need for the day or things like desserts
-Sayu quite enjoys the time after returning to the hotel
-She'd hop into the elegant bathtub and prepare her bath water by herself
-usually her mom would prepare the bath water for her but while staying at a hotel Sayu does it herself, thus giving her a grown up feeling
-she also likes how she uses shampoo out of packets.
-There's a fresh feeling to it all that she likes.
Bathroom revisited
-Sayu's dad and brother both properly lock the door when they use the washroom
-Sayu knows she mentioned this before but seeing as how this was very recent, she tells us how her mom once again didn't lock the door when she was in the washroom. Sayu, of course, walked in on her. Sayu complains about how she's the one embarrassed while her mom seems to think nothing of it. To Sayu, it's just not a pleasant sight seeing everything c20.gif
-once, Sayu entered the washroom after her dad and found magazines and she thought to herself "ah, so he was reading this magazine in the washroom"
-Sayu would prefer it if they weren't left about
[listener comments on how Sayu would often use the phrase "naru hodo ne" (I see)]
-Sayu has been thinking the same thing, that she's been using "naru hodo ne" a lot
-She finds she uses it a lot, not so much when talking with Eri but with Ai chan
-Ai chan really likes to talk about western-styled clothing. she has tons of knowledge on the subject such as makers and brands, etc.
-Sayu doesn't know much since she doesn't buy girl magazines and stuff
-Ai chan can talk about the subject forever but no matter how much Sayu listens...she still knows zilch so she'd often reply with 'naru hodo ne~ eeeh? naru hodo ne, sugoi!' a lot
-so it turns out Sayu usually the phrase "I see" when she actually doesn't c20.gif
-Sayu somehow managed to figure out she uses the phrase a lot on her own though
-she doesn't like how she can't hide anything from her attentive listeners so she'll have to be more careful c20.gif
Love Story
-In Love Story, Sayu was blindfolded and asked to guess the flavour of the juice she was drinking.
-Before hand the staffed asked her "Michishige san, is there anything you're not good with /dislike?"
-Sayu didn't even think of she replied "I can eat anything!" while thinking everything will be alright
-and then the mango juice came. upon drinking it, Sayu thought the flavour was really tasty
-she was trying to figure out what the flavour since the taste was somehow nostalgic. She guessed pineapple after opening her eyes but she found out it was mango juice..
-and here she thought she HATED, HATED, HATED eating mangos and that she would not eat them
-she's grateful
-Sayu thinks Mori Saki san is really cute
-they started talking at the recent concert
-she has a princess aura to her
-after talking to her, Sayu comes to the conclusion that she really is like a princess. At home she would talk to her mom in honorifics.
-Sayu is amazed by that and finds she gives off this good aura that cleanses her mind
Sugai sensei
-Sayu really likes Sugai sensei
-Even now he's still around (like during tours)
-Sayu finds him interesting and cute (personality wise!)
-for vocal practice they have two choices, either practicing solo with MD or practicing with a instructor
-you can choose based on your own determination and your physical condition
-once Sayu's throat was in bad condition (probably meant her throat hurt) so she didn't go to Sugai sensei
-Sugai sensei later went to Sayu and told her "isn't it lonely~" so Sayu thought that was cute and girlie c20.gif
-he's really cute. when Sayu couldn't get a key right, she asked Sugai sensei for advice but he joked about not teaching her that since she hates it
-at concerts when she does a high five with him, her spirit rises
-her impression of him has greatly changed since the audition
-people watching the audition must have thought he was scary but recently he's been getting along really well with everyone
-she really likes him for a teacher
-there was a listener that wrote and made up a scenario to Sayu about Eri going out shopping with a cool guy and Sayu had to respond with the word AH!
-Sayu responds with a realistic sounding Ah! but Sayu explains that she's sure the scenario isn't real because there are no secrets between the two of them
-they are each other's secret keepers. Sayu tells Eri all her secrets and Eri tells Sayu all her secrets.
-they don't have to tell each other to keep it a secret, it's an unspoken agreement since they know by the atmosphere
-Eri would never tell a soul
-Sayu thinks they have a very deep bond
[Having Tsunku for a father]
-Sayu doesn't like the idea
-She thinks it's okay if he finds fault with her work but it be horrible if he were to judge her private life too
-Sayu can't see Tsunku as her dad. She can only see his sparkling aura image
-it'd be nice since he's a health nut
-some members in haropro call him "Tsunku papa" but Sayu doesn't feel the fatherly thing at all.
-Tsunku is just Tsunku to her.