Morning Musume。'14, Berryz Kobo, ℃-ute, S/mileage, Juice=Juice, Hello!Project, TNX, and more
Thu Sep 05, 2013 9:58 pm
C-ute DVD magazine vol.34 preview - C-ute 8th anniversary party [youtube]r_VXk-eVL4M[/youtube]
Fri Sep 06, 2013 12:41 pm
^ Aaaaand Vol. 35: behind the scenes of the "Treasure Box" tour…VIDEO
Fri Sep 06, 2013 7:06 pm
C-ute introduces new "team C-ute" goods for the Queen of JPOP concert tour
Queen of JPOP concert tour goods list
Fri Sep 06, 2013 7:42 pm
ugh cap. I want that cap. MONEY T___T I want he hoodie too. But the cap. omg. ;~;
Fri Sep 06, 2013 7:59 pm
Aw Damnit. There is so much I want from this tour O.O I got SO MUCH from the Pirates tour that I said I wasn't going to get as much from this one. But everything is sooooo nice.
Fri Sep 06, 2013 11:58 pm
Amped wrote: C-ute introduces new "team C-ute" goods for the Queen of JPOP concert tour [youtube]rwhBnvxvhdc[/youtube]
all my favorite…
Sat Sep 07, 2013 12:33 am
Hah, trying to cater to the DD's I see.
Pretty sure they'll stick to their Kingblades though.
That or they'll attach the clear°C-ute logo on top.
Sun Sep 08, 2013 1:09 pm
Hollllllly shit. Maimai
Sun Sep 08, 2013 2:45 pm
I'm sure it's no coincidence that Maimi is always the one plugging the umbrellas!
JonCC wrote: Hah, trying to cater to the DD's I see.
Pretty sure they'll stick to their Kingblades though.
What's DD & Kingsblades?
I did a search for kingsblades and came up with a series of book by ab author who's initials are DD. I'm assuming that's not it! )
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