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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby randompasserby » Tue May 28, 2013 2:20 pm

I think they mentioned that they haven't made any meet up plans yet so their lack of free time was... implied, I think ? Not sure how it got mixed up in the backstage talk, probably made sense to me at the time but I'll defer to you ^^;
You can tell I'm having trouble putting words together into sentences when I'm rambling or using too much emoticons in the middle of the night. :lol:

Thanks for translating the other parts too :notworthy:

Chinami in July's Rod and Reel magazine
Have to say she's kinda suited for this kind of magazine, image-wise
Is she actually a sporty type too or does she just look it btw? I don't pay enough attention to BK sadly...
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby Chibs » Tue May 28, 2013 2:38 pm

she looks like a tennis player from the 80s
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby koregaboku » Tue May 28, 2013 2:39 pm

I'm kind of into that outfit...
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby Zunu » Tue May 28, 2013 3:01 pm

^ Subliminal messaging?

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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby Sohee » Tue May 28, 2013 3:09 pm

randompasserby wrote:@sohee
I think they mentioned that they haven't made any meet up plans yet so their lack of free time was... implied, I think ? Not sure how it got mixed up in the backstage talk, probably made sense to me at the time but I'll defer to you ^^;

Ah yeah, Reina did say they didn't talk backstage and that they haven't made plans. To me that doesn't read as "We haven't had time" though... But that's all up to each and every person to assume things, I guess. And for all we know, some of that joking/lying they did about getting together and stuff might have some truth to it too who knows. :b Oh well, it makes sense to get confused. I do it all the time, was just wondering what I was missing there for a while. :p
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby zam_ho » Tue May 28, 2013 3:53 pm

randompasserby wrote:Chinami in July's Rod and Reel magazine
Have to say she's kinda suited for this kind of magazine, image-wise
Is she actually a sporty type too or does she just look it btw? I don't pay enough attention to BK sadly...

Not as sporty as her soul-mate Maimi. The only sport I know Chii is really into is badminton. She is very competitive. During the Sports Fest, on a couple of occasions Chii is second to Maimi for the sprint race. Chii doesn't demonstrate her sporty-ness like Maimi does and H!P doesn't go out of its way to show this side of Chii XD

Update: Forgot to add this. Chii is also a big football fan.
Last edited by zam_ho on Tue May 28, 2013 4:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby Sohee » Tue May 28, 2013 4:06 pm

And again I find myself wanting for H!P to do sport festivals again. ):
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Re: Hello! Project : TV shows, radio, magazine, movies threa

Postby Amped » Wed May 29, 2013 1:04 am

Amped wrote:
SaebaRyo wrote:H!P members will be in the next episode of Sohoko Quiz Tenka Toitsu on June 7. The theme will be pets.

it will be Haruna again with Maimi this time in the tenka quiz

Haruna, Maimi pet Q&A
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby DSQueenie » Wed May 29, 2013 3:38 am

Sohee wrote:And again I find myself wanting for H!P to do sport festivals again. ):

This! Especially since we have so many new groups it could be a really competitive competition.
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Re: Hello! Project in TV shows, radio, magazine, movies thre

Postby Chibs » Wed May 29, 2013 1:43 pm

its unlikely especially with how many concerts Momusu (dont know about the rest) goes through. It seems like they are almost always on a concert tour.
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