Its like an annual event for Iwao-san

LOL doing this kind of quiz I mean.
randompasserby wrote:Whoah according to her only about 12 families in Japan has the surname Sayashi and apparently she does come from a line of Katana sheath makers, probably not her immediate family though

Michishige and Fukumura are pretty rare too iirc.
Does having a rare surname is going to be a requirement for MM members in the future

? How do you find these girls Tsunku lol
We have been taking about Sayu's family name over at H!O. Some 2ch wotas theorize that Sayu is a decendent of Saint Michishige. Who was also from Sayu's home prefecture Yamaguchi. Since the name is very rare, the possibility of it is quite high - is how they explain it.
Sayashi, literally means Sheath Master. Saya = Sheath, Shi = Master

Quoting from H!O
Hello!,Yes,perhaps it's sure surname Sayashi had existed for a long time before Meiji era(1868~) and Sayashi is very rare name. In many cases,surname indicates their living places,for example,田中=Tanaka,田"ta" means rice field and 中"naka" means center,or小田=Oda,小"o" means small. In ancient japan,there were vast rice field ,so these names may be named after rice field. And it's widely known that many surnames were made at the beginning of Meiji period.But the fact was--
Although not a few peoples had their own surnames in Edo period(~1868),,it's not permitted to use it officially by the law.Samurai class suppressed peoples by using two laws,one is prohibiting to use surname and another is prohibiting to have sword(for preventing revolt) Actually,many surnames are found in the Edo period's "Kakocho"(過去帳)=Kakocho means Family register of deaths; Most of japanese peoples were buryed in the grave at the local temples,without distinction they are Buddhists or non Buddhists,and their full true name were recorded in the Kakocho of temple they buryed.(Perhaps temples permitted to write in people's surname.)
Another rare name in Momusu is 道重=Michishige,道"michi" means road,重"shige" means "be piled up","piled up roads"?,even Japanese peoples don't know its meaning.It's mystery,and her family is mystery too!!
道重上人=Michishige shou-nin=Saint Michishige( 1856-1934) may be Sayu's ancestor--this issue has been often argued in 2ch over again. Saint Michishige was a noble Buddhist priest,Sayu said about it a little before,but lately she has not refered to it,so it's not clear even Michishige's surname is her father's or her mother's (In japan,separate surname system is not permitted by law.) .Many fans think she must be a relative of Saint Michishige,because 1.Saint M.-was born in Ube city same as Sayu. 2.Michishige is very rare name. 3. i think her unworldly appearances prove it.