The Official H!PS XIV Discussion Thread

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The Official H!PS XIV Discussion Thread

Postby sb » Thu May 28, 2015 11:29 am

I guess since people are talking about H!PS, I might as well put this one up.

So, some random notes. Like last year there will be random rule changes and the groups will probably shuffle every round. I thought that worked well last year.

I think I'm going to leave the Factory groups out this year. They're still indie and don't really have any releases yet. Also I haven't seen them included in H!P photo sets. More importantly I'm lazy. Regardless they're still basically eggs and I keep eggs out. Also, Aika's on hiatus she can stay home too.

Lastly I'm hoping to have photos depicting some of the intense H!PS action that takes place. :) :devil:

It all begins June 17th.
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Re: The Official H!PS XIV Discussion Thread

Postby boinsie » Thu May 28, 2015 11:42 am

Not including the Factories seems like the ideal choice. Most of them would be the initial castoffs anyway; this way just saves time. :devil:
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Re: The Official H!PS XIV Discussion Thread

Postby AyuHikaru » Thu May 28, 2015 11:44 am

The Team Miyabi win will always be my favorite HPS
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Re: The Official H!PS XIV Discussion Thread

Postby jeiwa42 » Thu May 28, 2015 11:49 am

I still don't know how this works or if I can or will participate, but I'm looking forward to it regardless XD
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Re: The Official H!PS XIV Discussion Thread

Postby Shoujo Q » Thu May 28, 2015 11:57 am

Or you know, half way through, you add in all the Factory girls and there's a huge game changer. I know, I've watched reality TV once. It was horrible.
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Re: The Official H!PS XIV Discussion Thread

Postby CaptainBerryzGiraffe » Thu May 28, 2015 12:07 pm

I've been around for one.
I can explain from a newbie perspective of what it seems:
There are threads with polls. you choose the girl you don't want to win. She gets eliminated... but wait! everyone else actually votes for the person everyone wants to win because they don't want that person to win.
And then for some stupid effing reason the one round when you want a certain person to win, instead of a 1v1 there are like 3 girls in one round in the final rounds of the tournament, and then your favorite girl gets voted off because all the votes that would have gone towards her moving forward get split between her and the other girl, making her get eliminated. (CAPPYYYYYY ;-; Last year. Damn it!)
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Re: The Official H!PS XIV Discussion Thread

Postby CaptainBerryzGiraffe » Thu May 28, 2015 12:11 pm

^apparently I can't edit a post in this thread so i'm just gonna add this as an edit.
so i looked back at this year and turns out, cappy wasn't with a third person.
It wasj ust a "tie breaker" for whatever reason.
But then everyone ganged up on Cappy.
and she lost.
and i was sad. :c

...Also, i have no clue why i thought it was a 3-way round. xD
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Re: The Official H!PS XIV Discussion Thread

Postby Moh » Thu May 28, 2015 12:49 pm

I can probably make cards again this year. :lol:
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Re: The Official H!PS XIV Discussion Thread

Postby resop2 » Thu May 28, 2015 1:01 pm

Even though Kobushi Factory cannot participate they can at least have the theme song ... ;)

Hopefully, the team competition will not be so lopsided this year. Berryz Kobo's lightning like
exit was surely the reason they eventually went on hiatus.

I wonder if there are pre-game favorites for making the final group? People have mentioned
Ayumi, and I would think that gens 9-11 would be in the running. Airi has a strong following,
as well as Dawa and MeiMei. Juice ni Juice was dominate last year so they should also be
considered front runners.
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Re: The Official H!PS XIV Discussion Thread

Postby sb » Thu May 28, 2015 1:46 pm

Yea like everyone's saying Daishi has a really strong chance this year. Mizuki, Riho I'd say have a good shot. Haruka is always there towards the end. She's probably come the closest to winning without winning of anyone since her debut. Anyone in Momusu pretty much. They always dominate. (For new people who don't know every winner except Miyabi was at some point in Momusu)

Airi's been runner-up before but hasn't done that great since.

People who don't have a shot: Eripon because she's a past winner. Yes, I know Sayumi has won 3 times but she's a legend. Momoko generally gets kicked off early. Non Airi members of ℃-ute. (think about it Maimi usually does the best of them and that usually takes a miracle and she only gets right before the Finals)

Karin I think may be interesting this year. Because of her Momusu exploits she seems to have become a bit polarizing and sometimes that can help them. Since their fans go to further lengths for their girl.
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