edit--- whoops amped posted it already
more edits---argh dammit I should stop posting right after waking up at 3am, too many edits orz
Remember what I said about how the media needs to pick up on the other side of the MM wotadom in the musings thread? specifically Michishige's pink
army devouts
Oi UF staff come out here and stop hiding!!
j/k nvm me lol as long as you keep sending spies our wayMichishige holiday lolwut .... and I like their reaction when Sayu shakes their hand and even offers them a hug
-How many days/months was Yaguchi (and Miki for that matter) leader again xD ? It's good to see that she(they) has a sense of humor about it now
-Nakazawa banana o___O
-I.. I'm kinda glad i wasn't around just yet during their debut days.. I don't think I can't handle the ham&cheese. Lmfao
Daikon-Hmm somewhere along the line Momusu's designated no.1 baka was changed into Niigaki? Well, not that she doesn't deserve it in some ways.... and she wants to be a teacher if she never made it into momusu and Sayu as a writer/poet, can't imagine
-Sexy beam drinking game wtf
That was a very entertaining watch
, it's been a while since the last time we had a 40minutes variety ep of MM goodness