by Pavlova » Sat Mar 02, 2013 5:17 pm
Meh, I'm sad, I sort of liked her, and also my boyfriend was a fan so I'm sad for him.
I'm just sad at seeing more and more original team A members left. After this, only 4 members (if you count Mariko, who is really not THAT original since she was added later) will be left.. and that's counting Miichan too, who since she was demoted.. yeah basically, it feels like only KojiHaru and Takamina will be left. It hurts a bit. I've been following AKB48 since Skirt, Hirari, so as much as I like some newer girls, every graduation hurts, especially grads for girls who joined before 2009. And even more for gen 1-2-3 girls.