anyway holy shit those sales!!!! Pretty sure this is H!P's highest first week album sales since sexy 8 beat. Would have loved if they made the top 10 but I'll take higher sales over high chart positions any day.
narz wrote:1st week chart : 16,708
weekly rank #12
-- *7 10 13 19 *5 16 *12 *16,708 ℃-ute「(2)℃-ute神聖なるベストアルバム」
album sales in the top 20 are very high this week
C-ute selling 16,708 with a #12 ranking is impressive for a best album with covers of their old songs.*1 336,234 松任谷由実
*2 *58,866 加藤ミリヤ
*3 *34,256 JUJU(BEST STORY~Life stories~)
*4 *33,977 レッド・ツェッペリン
*5 *29,291 JUJU(BEST STORY~Love stories~)
*6 *29,003 氷川きよし
*7 *26,532 back number
*8 *19,304 Ken Yokoyama
*9 *18,879 (佐村河内守 作曲:交響曲第1番《HIROSHIMA》)
10 *17,689 BENI
11 *17,266 リアーナ
12 *16,708 ℃-ute
13 *15,672 KARA
14 *15,216 嵐
15 *12,895 テイラー・スウィフト
16 *12,866 ワン・ダイレクション
17 *11,416 山下達郎
18 **9,026 グリーン・デイ
19 **8,760 私立恵比寿中学
20 **8,456 Ryu Slwon