I was still in the middle of FFIV when I got Kingdom Hearts 3DS. Has everyone gotten it yet?? My cousin got me the special edition and he keeps asking if I've started it yet, so I put FFIV on hold and started it. It's good so far. Haley Joel Osment has obv grown so much in these 10 years. His voice is so different xD I actually didn't recognize it at first, I thought they changed the voice actor (and then got really sad), but it's still him~~~
Ugh I just love this franchise so mu-hu-hu-huch.
But I never finished
The World Ends With You, and Neku's one of the first characters you encounter so I'm like NEKU!!! DAMN IT I HAVEN'T FINISHED THAT GAME GR R R R R R R .
To be completely honest, I haven't finished Birth By Sleep, 358/2 Days, Chain of Memories or Re:coded either. It's the same with a lot of Final Fantasy games, I play alllll the way until the end, and then don't finish it
it's not like I don't know the story, but I don't necessarily know how they concluded...
and now that I have the new one, I really want to finish the other ones argh.
I have one month to play as many games as possible before school starts again...