Nakashima was one of the first jpop artists i got really into, but i stopped being excited about her new releases several years ago.
i still have a bunch of Nakagawa stuff i downloaded (but never watched) because she seems cool.. one day i will finally watch them.
i'm behind on everybody i love, i miss being all up to date on my jpop. :<
Ikimono-gakari has like 124lk535463 PV's i've yet to watch. i'm further behind on Kimura Kaela than i realized. i haven't listened to ayaka's new stuff. even Tommy february/heavenly did a simultaneous release that i had no idea about, and of course buriguri has some singles i haven't caught up with. and that's without even counting the fact that i haven't really looked into any of the artists that made their debut in the last couple years! i think H!P and Perfume (and Yui cuz she hasn't released anything in a while) are the only ones i'm current on. @-@ i used to be so on top of it all.. need to get back to that!
edit: i love my avatar. it seems appropriate for a number of different scenarios, including this post.