Listening to the concert rip, at least we find out that the group will have no problems with vocals even when Gaki is gone. Riho is insanely good, Kanon is underrated to the max, Mizuki is really good, even Erina sounds good on her parts every here and there. Ayumi will be great by spring and Haruka is stable. Masaki will grow to be great too. Haruna is still bad, but she can grow, too. Out of the 8 new girls, at least 4 can sing really well, and 3 are okay and will grow while one is bad. Vocally this group is 100% stable.
As for knowing them, I'm with icey on that. And that's probably why I haven't felt that strong of an attachment to the girls as I used to. But, it's also probably because we have seen less. By this time (early 2008) we had seen a lot more of Junjun and Linlin in the group as they had a MM-focused tv-show (which I want so much by April) and several DVD magazines. We haven't really had anything
new with 9th gen for a while (as far as DVD magazines go at least) and 10th gen just had their first with this H!P tour.
They need more exposure as a group and I think the moment we get that, we'll easily see which roles they fill in the group. Aichan's graduation stole the focus of 9th gen for the fall tour, too.
And seeing how MM have all had separate jobs ever since the fall tour, the group hadn't really gotten together until they did the shooting of PyocoPyoco and we have yet to see it. So... we just need more exposure of MM as a group and not just 9th gen by themselves or possibly with 10th gen. We need to see them with the
senpai. I think we'll see a lot more of that from now on though, so just gotta wait a bit longer.
On a different note, I'm kind of amused at how Sayu and Reina are about this. Sayu wrote on her blog and she seems genuinely sad about it. While Reina... barely mentioned it.
Read some at 2ch and they seem to think that MM or at least Reina found out the 29th and going back to read Reina's blog then... she did seem quite pissed.
And seeing how she just mentioned that Gaki is graduating and nothing more, she really just... I don't think she's taking it that well. By May she'll probably be okay with it, but right now I don't think she's very happy.