It's finally time for the oft-requested-but-never-done Morning Musume OG vote!
We're gonna keep this one very simple. All graduated members have been split between two polls (due to forum limitations on max poll numbers). You can vote for up to 15 options in each thread, but there will be no re-votes. Polls run for 48 hours. The lady that has the most votes in the end, wins the very first MM OG crown!
Yuko Nakazawa (中澤裕子)
Aya Ishiguro (石黒彩)
Kaori Iida (飯田圭織)
Natsumi Abe (安倍なつみ)
Asuka Fukuda (福田明日香)
Kei Yasuda (保田圭)
Mari Yaguchi (矢口真里)
Sayaka Ichii (市井紗耶香)
Maki Goto (後藤真希)
Rika Ishikawa (石川梨華)
Hitomi Yoshizawa (吉澤ひとみ)
Nozomi Tsuji (辻希美)
Ai Kago (加護亜依)
Ai Takahashi (高橋愛)
Asami Konno (紺野あさ美)