I was so shocked when I saw that headline last night.
I've seen a lot of people on Twitter say he was
such a nice guy, and honestly that just makes it all the more sad.
boinsie wrote:Get your loan approval before going so that if you like a place, you can put in an offer right when you decide on it.
That'll help us know our ~budget~ too. My mom's been in contact with a guy who helps people with credit scores 500 and up.
I think we have to give up on ol' TN though, cause not only do houses move fast, but a lot of the affordable ones need more work than we could do ourselves. Hiring people to do work is obviously very costly.
My dad turns 64 next month. He's okay with having to do cosmetic work like painting or laying down new flooring! But he doesn't wanna have to do things like electrical or plumbing. He said he's getting too old for that crap.
Things about Alabama can be questionable, but just from doing a few quick searches, housing seems more affordable depending on which area you look in. My brother found a pretty nice one that's only 25 miles outside of Birmingham! That would be an absolute game changer. I'd even settle for living outside of Huntsville; they have a great hospital
and they're surrounded by mountains.
Even though they don't have a free community college program, in-state tuition is actually pretty cheap? I've been looking at trying to get an AS in psychology.
Omfg I didn't mean to have a wall of text. I just had a lot to say, I guess?