sukibeam wrote:I can't help wondering if they didn't chose anyone because of a sudden change in musical style coming up. They may have started with looking for a "cool" image ace-type to go with what we've had the last couple years (a literal Riho replacement) but, with how well Utakata was received, thought they would need more bubbly energetic girls to gear toward a more genki MoMusu.
They're definitely in one of those transitional phases. Whether Utakata is completely the direction they go in though, who knows? It certainly does make sense because of its reception. Back in January though they would've still had questions about whether Oda and Masaki etc. could cover the loss of Sayashi, so they anticipated the possibility of needing back up. But I think they've proven themselves capable enough along with the other main vocals, so maybe the entire emphasis has changed from replacing vocals to personality/media.
But I think a lot of the opinion about this is completely led by two factors. What your opinion is of the 12ki and what you want MM is to be. Personally I think there's still enough potential in all areas to believe 12ki will be a successful generation. Also I'm not someone who needs MM to be full of top vocals (it often seems a waste) so I don't think they need a pro-level vocalist right now or will die (is this really a major priority for most Wota either?). So I'm fine with them staying a group that has people with potential grow into, rather than a PE-style top skills from everyone group.
But even if you do think the 12ki is a dead loss, is throwing more random numbers going solve anything? and if they didn't find an amazing generation of Matsuda Seikos hiding out there this time around then people should really welcome they'll wait until a new miracle girl actually turns up.
tl:dr You could be right