Satoda's the supervisor though. Momoko's the "playing manager". They have different positions.
And there's not that much of an age gap. Momoko's 22, yeah, but Yamaki's 17 and Manaka is 17 in a few days.
BerryzCelebration wrote:You don't have to pay attention to them if you don't like them. I used to dislike the original S/mileage, and I never really paid attention to them. When their parts came up in concerts, I simply skipped it. Then Shortcut came out and I loved it.
I can't do that. There's this weird thing in my mind where I
have to pay attention to every H!P group
. I can't not follow girls. Same with concerts -- if I watch a full concert, I can't skip anything. Except MCs sometimes, but they're different.