Security update.
This time for the cheki etc events they had us line up in one line first to check in our baggage (very strict on what wasn't okay pretty much wallet only.) And then we had to get into a different line far from the first for the event. They also were sure to check ID this time and right before going in to see the girls we were scanned.
That combined with increase of fans who had come made it pretty hectic. Lot of complaints and worries about making it to the girls in the alloted time were going on around me. I barely made it in myself since I forgot to take out my wallet when I first checked my stuff.
On popularity with fans. Haruna only had about five in her line at any one time when I was there and Oda's line was overflowing, didn't notice the others. I'll update this post with my Harunan Cheki when I get home. It was the concert outfits.
My Cheki:
Accidently touched Harunan since I just automatically placed my fingers against hers instead of leaving the space, I got yelled at. Sorry Haruna