I really love the dance in this song. It's all really, um...cooperative?
I mean like they're doing a lot of formation, one at a time, teamwork reliant moves and I really like that. The dance break was pretty good. When Dawa was the pimp for a few seconds, that was funny lol
The song, I still really like the song. I was kinda iffy when it came to some of the lines being um...robotized? Not the actual robo lines, I mean like the ones where the solos sounded a little autotuned or robo-tized. I like hearing good solo lines where they dont rely too much on robo editing or background harmonies, so yeah.
The PV was done nicely overall. I've actually been replaying this a lot and it's been awhile since i've replayed an MV so much (then again it might just be the new found quality cause i'm replaying Toki wo Koe also
I was a little iffy too about the whole too young being sexy image they got going on, but just like what happened with Atarashii Watashii ni Nare, I got over it (and now that I look back that was nothing really...they just wore shorter skirts than what would office ladies wear lol
) They DO pull off the image well and if we look at reality this shouldn't really be too much of a shock. I just really didn't like how they kinda forced the emphasis on the breasts with those circle designs, I think they really couldve just done without em.
Anyways, overall, I really think S/mileage is on a good track. Go S/mileage!