Moderator: Moh
Ponpon at Womens' Only Handshake Event
Erina:When Mizuki goes out with me and my family, Mizuki's always late. I hate waiting around.
Mizuki:Did I really make you wait that long?
Sayumi:You'd get worried about her, right?
Erina:Yup, I get worried, and when I'm waiting, I end up over-thinking all sorts of things.
Mizuki:Even though I come 15 minutes early for work related things... When I'm going out privately, I end up being less vigilant.
Womens' Only Handshake Event!! Boob Discussion
Theme:Top 5 traits that women think are cute but men actually find annoying
~Skipping to 3rd place...~
"Emphasizing your Chest"
Ayumi & Haruna:Thank god!!!! We don't have any to emphasize at all!
Sayumi:But as for Fukuchan? Everyone around her points it out but she doesn't emphasize it at all.
Mizuki:*hides behind Erina in embarassment* I'm not all about that... And anyway, Kanon-chan's are bigger!
Kanon:Hey stop it already! *hides behind Riho*
Sayumi:Well, when they're all being embarassed aboout it like this, it's cute too. It's not like they're showing off. In any case, Harunan's the problem. She keeps drawing attention back to herself by saying "It's not me!"
Haruna:So by emphasizing it even though I don't have anything to emphasize... I'm the worst!?
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