randompasserby wrote:How did SNSD do in Japan anyway? You know, sales wise.
Apparently I like wasting my time on things I don't like anymore, so I skimmed the physical numbers really quickly.
Seems they had a pretty strong start, but there's been a huge drop recently? Didn't bother looking too much at digital stuff, but they probably did well there (at least for a while?) too. Only checked Generasia, and only singles - no more time will go into this.
It seems to have gone something like:
Genie: 151,042 (Over 30 weeks)
Gee: 206,346 (Over 31 weeks, out for four weeks)
Mr. Taxi/Run Devil Run: 174,365 (Over 16 weeks, out for one week)
PAPPARAZZI: 136,181 (Over 17 weeks)
Oh!: 84,814 (Over 8 weeks)
FLOWER POWER: 39,007 (Over 7 weeks)