Kyoto Animation set on fire; multiple deaths and injuries
Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 4:11 pm
BBC is reporting over 10 dead and dozens more injured.
This is heart breaking and I’m beyond upset about this. Kyoto Animation studio was one of my favorite studios. They always put so much care into their productions. I don’t think they can recover from such a loss. Of life, of work. It’s unspeakable that someone would do this and for what reason. I hope they can find out why. I’m just at a loss. It’s very upsetting.
This is heart breaking and I’m beyond upset about this. Kyoto Animation studio was one of my favorite studios. They always put so much care into their productions. I don’t think they can recover from such a loss. Of life, of work. It’s unspeakable that someone would do this and for what reason. I hope they can find out why. I’m just at a loss. It’s very upsetting.