by erilaz » Sun May 05, 2013 3:25 pm
Yesterday I finished reading Being Colloquial in Esperanto: A Reference Guide by David K. Jordan. It's very informative (I'm sure I'll be using it for reference quite often) and often entertaining. Jordan injects humor into a lot of his sample sentences, which wins points with me. A few examples:
Ŝi ordonis al li donaci sian salajron al la movado por vestigi katojn.
She ordered him to donate his salary to the movement to clothe cats.
Legi stultajn romanojn estas bone. Vidi stultajn filmojn estas pli bone.
Reading stupid novels is good. Seeing stupid films is better.
Ni sukcesos iel ajn disvastigi pacon, eĉ se necesos mortigi ĉiujn ajn!
We'll succeed in some way or other in spreading peace, even if we have to kill absolutely everybody.
Diskuto buĝeta estas preteksto nek por perforto nek por la angla.
Discussing the budget is no excuse either for violence or for English.
Ŝi parolaĉis Esperante, esperante tamen, ke la bela japano respondos angle.
She stammered along in Esperanto, hoping however that the handsome Japanese would reply in English.
Mi faros ion ajn, eĉ studi Esperanton!
I'll do anything at all, even study Esperanto!
"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." — George Carlin