boinsie wrote:Watched Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow yesterday, on a tip that it was visually stunning.
Yeah, I see what they were going for, but the terrible acting (they must have been being directed to act this poorly, to maybe go along with the campy theme, or something? because I don't think that Gweneth Paltrow or Jude Law are normally known for being so awful) and overly ridiculous but under-explained plot (plus the fact that I didn't think the visuals were all that great?) has led me to this thread to advise you against making the same mistake I made.
Belatedly, but IIRC it was one of the first movies with mostly virtual sets, and neither the director nor the actors knew how to frame themselves in such an environment. The blame s definitely on the director, imo. See: Sucker Punch. Or rather, don't see Sucker Punch.