I srsly h8 the JPM board right now.

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I srsly h8 the JPM board right now.

Postby boinsie » Sat Oct 18, 2008 2:17 pm

erilaz - My mother's sister and husband are apparently constantly sending my mom bullshit about Barack. Once was from the husband and was all this stuff about his being a Muslim, etc, and my mom actually wrote back with some links of her own showing how that is not true, etc, and that he should check his sources before he blindly sends around garbage like that. He wrote back saying, oh sorry, he was at work and he doesn't have time to check things like that when he's there.
So he just blindly forwards? That's how this stuff spreads so quickly and is believed.
Not that it would matter if he were Muslim, either.
And... on the other bit of what you said... as has been brought up several times on this board, and as I try to stay away from mentioning because it causes all kinds of animosity, I'm incredibly anti-religion. The very fact that a comment like that, even if it WERE from some specific verse in The Bible, should hold any bearing on the election is absolutely ridiculous to me. The fact that only a God-loving man can even be considered for presidency in this country makes me ill.
Are there less religious people in Canada? I don't know, but at least I seem to be on the same wave-length as them on a lot of other subjects. :|

del - Thanks for that. It shall come in handy!! :heart:
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Re: I srsly h8 the JPM board right now.

Postby Zunu » Sat Oct 18, 2008 2:54 pm

I sometimes feel like we're just waiting for someone to come along and put us out of our misery.

Not the country. The board.
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Re: I srsly h8 the JPM board right now.

Postby boinsie » Sat Oct 18, 2008 2:57 pm

We of the JPM forum, or we of the planet Earth? XD

EDIT: I missed your tiny text. DX
Yeah, I kinda wisht he board would just eat it. Or the H!P section would be deleted so we would have to go somewhere else.
Because I'm really quite sick of the constant issues. ESPECIALLY this new posting bug. :|
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Re: I srsly h8 the JPM board right now.

Postby Pavlova » Sat Oct 18, 2008 3:07 pm

Boinsie, u have no idea how I totally PMed Zunu the exact same things 2 days ago (wishing the forum would eat it so we would HAVE to go elsewhere)

But, I'm far from being anti-religion. The thing is most people see either only the good stuff religions did, or only the bad.

I'm mostly able to see both, I think.

Also, all that shit about Obama.. well.. It's totally stupid but then again if it wasn't about him being muslim, or black, or whatever, it would be about something else. Those kind of people will find ANY excuse to vote for the republicans... even if it means the country is going to crash big time.
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Re: I srsly h8 the JPM board right now.

Postby Chatin » Sat Oct 18, 2008 4:18 pm

Completely off topic of politics, but I've been trying to post a message for four hours, and JPM sucks. I hate it. WTF is this garbage?

"Let's see if I can post this time.

I was going to say:

Sayu's brother flew with Eri.
Sayu's brother was happy to hear that Miki drank from his sister's water bottle.
Sayu's brother better watch out because I'm going to kick his ass. He can have his boys, so let me have my girls!"
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Re: I srsly h8 the JPM board right now.

Postby boinsie » Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:33 am

pav wrote:But, I'm far from being anti-religion. The thing is most people see either only the good stuff religions did, or only the bad.
I'm mostly able to see both, I think.
I can see how in the past religion was necessary to get people through their day-to-day lives. When you don't understand scientifically what makes thunder, lightening, earthquakes, etc, it's a great way to explain away these things. When you as a leader need your country to expand over into another area, it's really convenient to be able to say that it's for this great all-powerful being that created everything around you. To say that it's this being's will that your nation have all these things makes it seem alright, even makes you feel entitled to it, and it makes the army fight harder. I see how it's important there, too.
So, for sure I understand what a powerful tool religion is. But to me it's just that, a tool. Not reality.
And if I can get through day-to-day without needing the promise of anything after I die, and without the knowledge that these mystical things happened way back when, I guess it bothers me that so many others seemingly can't. And that people are still able to use these completely unfounded reasonings to convince other people of things, and it works... that just dumbfounds me.
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Re: I srsly h8 the JPM board right now.

Postby Zunu » Sun Oct 19, 2008 2:22 am

boozie, I'm neither religious nor particularly anti-religious, but this is for you, coz I srsly h<3 you right now. XD

speaking of <3s (or is that <3's)

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Re: I srsly h8 the JPM board right now.

Postby erilaz » Sun Oct 19, 2008 5:38 am

boinsie wrote:And... on the other bit of what you said... as has been brought up several times on this board, and as I try to stay away from mentioning because it causes all kinds of animosity, I'm incredibly anti-religion. The very fact that a comment like that, even if it WERE from some specific verse in The Bible, should hold any bearing on the election is absolutely ridiculous to me. The fact that only a God-loving man can even be considered for presidency in this country makes me ill.

I can totally respect that viewpoint. I'm not anti-religion, but I'm not especially religious, either. (Apart from a few funerals, it's been about ten years since I've been inside a church.) But if there had been any whiff of "Bible bad" or "Republicans bad" in my response, my dad (and many of the people he had forwarded the message to) would immediately have deemed what I had to say "not worth reading." I had to fight fire and brimstone with fire and brimstone, as it were.
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Re: I srsly h8 the JPM board right now.

Postby boinsie » Sun Oct 19, 2008 9:19 am

^ No, for sure. It was a very educated, smart way to respond. You've gotta deal with different people in different ways. ^^

Zoon - It's <3s. And thank you for the video. That was fun. XD
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Re: I srsly h8 the JPM board right now.

Postby vegetarianbeefeater » Sun Oct 19, 2008 9:24 am

Ha! At least you guys can see it, I've been IP blocked from I think calling the mods 'nazis' ;)
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